Someone please tell me what's wrong?!


New Member
Over /under watering. Or nute deficiency ??? She got fungus nats which I'm dealing with but she's slow growing and now leaves are limp :(


Final Phase

Well-Known Member
Fungus gnats can cause young plants to have leaves that turn yellow and drop at such a rate that the plant will
never produce more than an ounce or so. When you get the gnats out the plants should slowly return to normal.
It took about 3 weeks for my plants to start bouncing back and begin making more new growth.


Well-Known Member
Over and under watering are determined by stem and leaf posture.

Your overwatering cause your stems are erect, if the stems droop with leaves, your underwatering.


Well-Known Member
Over and under watering are determined by stem and leaf posture.

Your overwatering cause your stems are erect, if the stems droop with leaves, your underwatering.
Google osmosis and turgor. You will find your answer there.


Well-Known Member
Over /under watering. Or nute deficiency ??? She got fungus nats which I'm dealing with but she's slow growing and now leaves are limp :(
My first impression after seeing the pic-----not enough light----use at least a T5.

Also, could be as jayjay said------over watering if the stems aren't drooping too.

I see you're new here----welcome to RIU. May I suggest posting your soil grow questions on the forums here where soil growers hang out (this is the hydro forum):)

Good luck,



New Member
Thanks for the help and I'll remember to post in the soil sect and not hydro lol
Wasn't mold. Was diatomaceous earth for the gnats.... Fungus gnats are gone now and She has bounced back, minus the few set of leaves that were clawing... Think she had also nitrogen toxicity. Flushed her out. Changed lighting - using 400 hps and 2 100w cfls
Also transplanted her into a 10 gal.
Hopefully she can bounce back :)
Thanks again