Someone ripped up my lady


Well-Known Member
looks great bro. i wish i had these 2 hunnies growing outside my house. i dont know your neighborhood, but your not worried about some punk ass kid snatching your plants?
i kind feel bad having asked this so long ago. sucks that it happened

and also i think your cannabutter recipe is a little flawed, did you make it yet?


Well-Known Member
naw haha i havent made the butter yet. thanks for the comments on the plant though! im about to go to school buttt, could I ask you to give me a GOOD cannibutter recipe? with no flaws? much appreciated bro... :peace:


Well-Known Member
thanks for the recipe bro. ill be using that this weekend! you're the man kaleo. thanks for your support, and the info! Im getting closer to finding out who it is, someone will spill their guts. Patience.


Well-Known Member
any time man

i hope he dont spill his guts too bad, tell him to save some guts for you to spill lol


Well-Known Member
I've got cash rewards circling around a few people for finding information out for me. if the info is correct and gives me a solid lead, I give 10 dollars. 20 dollars. a couple buds of homegrown. anything to find the culprit. What could the guy that stole the shit give them that I couldnt? Motherfucker dug a real, real shitty hole for himself