Someone with sense, Please enlighten me. ++PICS++


Active Member
My plants are budding and they are 3-4 weeks into it, would i shock the plants or stunt the growing cycle if i change it into a bigger pot? Here are some pics, let me know your judgment.



Active Member
Thanks man i might try it today. My plant seemslike its root bound possibly havent transplanted it since it grew


Well-Known Member
If one decides to TP, I recommend waiting until the patient is on the dry side (in the old planter)

Doing so tends to hold the root-ball dirt in tact much better than when wet. Plus, starting dry allows for the fresh TP to be thoroughly watered, which would aid in any re-hab caused by a rough TP.
Following a less-than-perfect TP, I think it's a great idea to put the plant in the dark for a little bit (couple/few hours)
It won't hurt your plant, nor cause hermies, etc. as long as you return it to it's regular routine a.s.a.p.


Well-Known Member
Mr fishy is right. Do it dry put in dark isolated room after you have watered it down real good I have done it a couple times. Never left it in dark room for more than 6 hours then took back into flowering 12/12. I did mine with just water at transplant then next day quarter dose of nute water I use fox farm big bloom and tiger bloom


Active Member
Thanks, Ummm So after the transplant just leave in the dark for 4-6 hours and then return back to the cycle? ill try it gently as possible


Well-Known Member
yes once transplanted if you can do it when your lights go off or in like the last 15 min of your light cycle then you wont have to take it out of the room at all transplant and leave it there if you want be less moving for you


Well-Known Member
That is a very small plant, why would you need to transplant this late. The plant isn't really working on growing the roots so much anymore, if she is doing fine where she is at, I wouldn't suggest moving her. You may have to water a bit more often if you ae in a really small pot, but that is a better idea than shocking her, even a bit, during the period when she is trying her hardest to plump them buds for you.


Active Member
Yeah at this point I wouldn't think you would need to transplant, but if you really need to you should be fine. I transplanted my flowering girl from indoor pot to outdoor soil and I completely watered her before transplanting. She is healthy as a horse. I did do it at dusk so she had a good dark period to adjust. Good luck!


Active Member
small buds for 3 to 4 weeks in but transplanting hasnt hurt mine at that stage ever as long as you try to not disturb the roots to much.


Well-Known Member
just do it when the lights go off then its has all night in the dark feed it some nutes too! lol


Well-Known Member
If your going to do it, do it before sleep. But your already half way through flowering. They produce the most bud the last few weeks of flowering so if stressed then might be a smaller yield. I feel theres no need but its your plant....