Something fishy going on...

That is an awesome aquarium. I wish I had the skill to start one like that.

Actually, the style Takashi Amano created works best for temporary installations. He's done awesome scenes, and that is really what he is after. While it is so very, very beautiful when done right, I prefer a more natural approach and watching things grown and change over time. I was the same way when I did reef tanks - it is not so much about the finished look as it is the constant subtle changes you notice over long periods of time.

That poor betta needs more water surface area than that! I hate those things! You can keep a plant like that, but the fish needs plenty of room at the top. Even worse, some people think they nibble the roots for food. Betta fish are omnivores but probably eat more meat (insects) in the wild.
Sounds right. He was fed food. But yeah I suppose not an ideal set up.
he would love it if he could smell it i'm sure. they do smell in the water though don't they? wow i really don't know shit about fish other then how to catch and cook them. does he need dark time too? can i take him from my office out to another room when i'm not working? or should he just stay put? the kitties haven't seen him yet, he's between a big mac and a little dell with a big monitor, nice and warm :eyesmoke:
Actually, the style Takashi Amano created works best for temporary installations. He's done awesome scenes, and that is really what he is after. While it is so very, very beautiful when done right, I prefer a more natural approach and watching things grown and change over time. I was the same way when I did reef tanks - it is not so much about the finished look as it is the constant subtle changes you notice over long periods of time.

My ultimate aquarium goal would consist of local flora and fauna. In grade school we collected pond water and set up an aquarium in the biology lab. We put drops of the pond water on slides and looked at it through microscopes. I was fascinated by the hydras.
i just bought a fish, a betta, never had a fish before, he has a 1 gallon bowl with a tiki and some rocks.

any of you have fish? i think this guy is awesome :eyesmoke:
I used to keep betas when I was younger and my friends and I used to fight them. I also had a 20 gallon freshwater tank. I was into fish as a hobby when I was a kid
does he need dark time too? can i take him from my office out to another room when i'm not working?

Yes... fish need a dark period. Also, too much light will grow algae that much faster, which means more cleaning, which means more stress to the fish.

And if it is a bowl/vase/etc., then moving it around shouldn't be a big deal.
We had a 55 gallon fresh as a kid with lots of different fish, my favorite were the two rope fish we had, they were 12 years old when we gave them away with the whole setup.
thanks, i will be sure to get him a good nighty night period

he's in a gallon bowl

do they like stuff in there with them? you think that tiki is enough? i could rinse off some shells really well and put them in there too?

he's funny, he keeps sticking his head in that tiki's mouth, i can picture another one in there hiding waiting to jump out and scare him (i'm smoking on my cheese so i can see this quite well) :eyesmoke:
We had a 55 gallon fresh as a kid with lots of different fish, my favorite were the two rope fish we had, they were 12 years old when we gave them away with the whole setup.
holy shit you had a 12 year old fish?!?! i wonder how old Fred is?

Dr my friend used to have an oscar that was the size of a dinner plate and he would feed it lizards we caught out on the balcony, lol man those lizards can walk on water, but just for a second then gulp

When I was much younger, I bought myself a betta fish. He was awesome!!

The winter started coming around. It was getting cold. So I warmed up some water and put it in his bowl. Fishy never woke up :(

I had good intentions!!
thanks, i will be sure to get him a good nighty night period

he's in a gallon bowl

do they like stuff in there with them? you think that tiki is enough? i could rinse off some shells really well and put them in there too?

he's funny, he keeps sticking his head in that tiki's mouth, i can picture another one in there hiding waiting to jump out and scare him (i'm smoking on my cheese so i can see this quite well) :eyesmoke:

A place to retreat to helps. The rest is really decoration for you more than him. You just don't want to overcrowd, and leave plenty of surface area. Yeah - they jump. But in a typical vase or bowl, the curvature usually prevents this - don't fill to the top.

Male Betta fish will attack others to defend their territory. This includes females!

They actually get along with other fish as long as they don't look anything like a Betta. However - that's in a big, filtered tank. Don't add more to their bowl. In one aquatics store I worked in, we used to keep one per tank in any tank they were safe. All the females were in two tanks - they get along with each other. That was the only place I worked where we didn't keep them in cups.

My reef tank from around 6-7 years ago - a 40 breeder with a custom 30-gallon sump:


Custom built (DIY) lights with T5 and CFL bulbs at the right color temperature and LEDs (albeit cheap moon lights) on timers, pH adjusted RO water, scheduled doses of supplements and regular feeding - you know, all the stuff we do for our plants, just different. And a little more prone to flooding. :)