Something is wrong. I need you experts!


Well-Known Member
Speaking of seedlings.

Here is 4 young ones that started their life under the T5. If the three oldest plants don't survive I have these 4 to fall back on.

~1 and a half to 2 weeks old. Looking far better then their older sisters did 2 weeks in.
There ya go.... Smart to have those started... They look healthy.

And I knew the deal with the lights, you aren't going to fool anybody here that has any experience. :) lol nice try...


Well-Known Member
Epic. Gj on T5. Replant :)
I was hoping to avoid the truth but here is how their life started.

Hey I have bag seeds, lets germinate. Oh crap, they sprouted a tap root, now what?

Hey here is some soda cans, some dirt from the outside and a single CFL lamp in my living room. Good enough right?

2 weeks later. Uhhhhh. They don't look good. Repotted them into larger cans! I thought I was smart at the time. :(

2 weeks later. Uhhhhh. Everyone elses pictures of 1 month plants seem much larger. Something isn't right again.

And all this eventually led to the T5 setup.


As I suspected, you recently added the T-5s. The light should help. I would go with mostly 6500k bulbs, maybe a 2700k or two to mix spectrum. Flush out medium real well and start feeding them. If it were me, I'd also have a PH meter, as it's not really a gadget, it is a necessary item if you are going to grow good weed. I would think about foliar feeding the plants with a weak nutrient, high in nitrogen. On plant #3, I'd make a shrine and light incense for it.
Allright. I'll see what I can do for the spectrum setup.

I know I need nitrogen solution bad. Just waiting on those good ol tax returns.

Haha. Yeah... sadly I don't think even that could help plant three.

What I'm hoping to do here is learn from these first three pants, hope something comes out of them, but not stress it if it doesn't. Sucks that they are this old and having issues. I should have been flowering them soon -.-.


I'll keep an eye on this thread for more helpful information but I think I've heard the main things I need to do. I appreciate the input from everyone and I look forward to posting some healthy looking plants some day. That was a sad sentence. :(


Well-Known Member
Go spend $5 on a box of Miracle Grow soluble plant food. Only use about 25% of the ferts that they tell ya per gallon and get some food in those plants quick. Fertilize every other watering, so about once a week. After two fertilizings, I'd jump to 50% of recommended, and like that, work your way up. $5 will get those plants looking like new. If you have an extra $10, pick up a bottle of SuperThrive. For less than $20, you can feed your plants for months.

Allright. I'll see what I can do for the spectrum setup.

I know I need nitrogen solution bad. Just waiting on those good ol tax returns.

Haha. Yeah... sadly I don't think even that could help plant three.

What I'm hoping to do here is learn from these first three pants, hope something comes out of them, but not stress it if it doesn't. Sucks that they are this old and having issues. I should have been flowering them soon -.-.


Active Member
You say you used no nutes and that's you're problem they are all yellow and starving to death you say you can't afford a ph meter well that's not a problem Here is what you need to do.

Go here and buy a Chemical Ph tester cost $5.90

And then some nutes for $7.90

or you could buy some also only $7.90

Without a PH tester and nutrients you might as well just scrap your grow because what you got going on won't get you any buds it will just get you arrested or waste your time and electricity.


Yeah everyone is preaching the nutrient / ph sermon to me.

I get it! I'm converted! As soon as I can I'll pick up both.

I know it sounds silly but 20 bucks to spend on my plants is out of my budget right now. And again, I know that growing like that won't yield much if anything. I know I'm hurting myself, just trying to learn.

We can pretend the plants are male plants if that makes it any easier. This way they were destined for death from the beginning! :P

The lights, pots and soil were all given to me and all the plants are from bag seeds. So I've spent.... NOTHING! So I can expect to get NOTHING out of them. I'm aware I look like a silly kid with some green shit in a can. Just give me time to learn my way!

Thank you for your input and links!


those poor plants, they would have turned out better if you pissed and shit on them.:clap: oh well try again.


Allright. Long overdue update on the status of the plants.

I replanted them into larger pots. Got some better / more soil. Got some nutrients! FINALLY! Look at these babies go. This is about a month and a half of growtime since the pictures on page 1.

Plant 1 and Plant 2 survived and are turning out good.
Plant 3 Died.
Of the 4 seedlings 2 died and 2 survived.

I ended with the 4 plants you see here.
