I have an organic compost heap that's about 4yrs old. Garden waste (grass cuttings, nettles, leaves etc..), kitchen waste, tea bags, veg peelings (no potatoes!) egg shells and about 4 banana skins a week. One top of all that, I've added the leaves, stems and roots of about 6 mj plants. It is well rotted and siffs like sugar through your fingers, quite dark and light (weight-wise).
I really want to use it (not just because I could do with the space...) but because I imagine it to be filled with nutrients, bacteria and fungi though re: fungi, I don't see any fluffy bits like mold). Anyway, will this be a good mix to use with my next crop. If so, should I use it neat or mixed by ratio with Coco or something similar? I suppose I could experiment but I'd hate to see a plant not grow and I don't want to take chances. So guys, should I risk it?