Something really bugging me


Well-Known Member
First off let me say I completely understand how annoying it must be to have someone with a total of 2 posts, put up a thread asking a question you've heard a gazillion times.

But still, the responses from people are fucked up and downright shitty at times. I almost didn't want to ever come back to this site because some asshole made a mockery of me in my own thread. He didn't even need to respond but instead he chose to ridicule me. I see this happening more often than not....

So all I ask is you simply point the person in the right direction where he can find the info he is looking for if you aren't going to give it to them yourself or just don't respond.


Well-Known Member
i have over 20,000 post. half of them are the same 10 questions answered over and over. i LOVE helping people. i don't understand why people will take the time to post mockery instead of just helping. i fall asleep with a smile on MY face. peace y'all.


Well-Known Member
take all your bag seeds and plant them in the forest... your right bro, lets all focuss on advice and educate eachother:hump:


Well-Known Member
i think on 4/21 all smokers should gather seeds and just throw them in soil around where they live. then, all over the world, Thousands of plants will emerge and inspire!


Well-Known Member
i have over 20,000 post. half of them are the same 10 questions answered over and over. i LOVE helping people. i don't understand why people will take the time to post mockery instead of just helping. i fall asleep with a smile on MY face. peace y'all.
and us newbies appreciate people like you....


Well-Known Member
i think the best way to handle people like this is to address them but in a way that is non-offensive. i try to open peoples eyes to their own behavior. if you do it right you can often get them to embarrass themselves and then realize it. that's when change happens. :) you gotta be really careful though.


Well-Known Member
i think the best way to handle people like this is to address them but in a way that is non-offensive. i try to open peoples eyes to their own behavior. if you do it right you can often get them to embarrass themselves and then realize it. that's when change happens. :) you gotta be really careful though.
I was at first....but there are some serious pricks out there....for no reason too...I mean all you have to do is ignore the post if you have nothing helpful to say.

I agree there is a way to handle everything, but tone usually gets misinterpreted in print most of the time anyway so I just feel it is best to be straightforward.

[email protected]

Active Member
Och BKstylz
You find this in life, bk not just on here. You do your best for others and they just shit on you in one way or another. I can only hope that all the peole you've helped in the past (and those in the future, coz im sure you will help us all out again, when ya get over your pissed offness!!) can talk you into being the kind helpful person you usually are. Dont let all us new people loose out becoz of one arsehole... WE NEED YOU and your help and whats more, we do appreciate it ;)


Active Member
Just dont let the fools rent space in your head enjoy what you can find and ignore the rest. we know who we are and a dumb ass is easy to spot,


Well-Known Member
But seriously.....I had to get that little rant off of my chest but I do want to thank all the people on RIU who dedicate their time to helping us aimless wanderers.

I've been meeting more cool people here than anywhere else.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you somewhat, but there is really no reason that people can't search for half a second before they post, or even look at the AMAZING Growfaq that is assembled on this site. Some people just want people to answer questions for them instead of seeking answers themselves. Then when there IS someone who goes searching for an answer, they have to wade through 96 threads on how to use molasses for example.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you somewhat, but there is really no reason that people can't search for half a second before they post, or even look at the AMAZING Growfaq that is assembled on this site. Some people just want people to answer questions for them instead of seeking answers themselves. Then when there IS someone who goes searching for an answer, they have to wade through 96 threads on how to use molasses for example.
Yes I know. I was guilty of that also...But I really didn't even know where to start. just a point in the right direction was what I needed. All I was trying to say is it is demoralizing for a newbie to come on here looking for some help and have people be complete jerks to them. A simple link to some good material will do if you have nothing nice to say.....LOL

But I've been lucky enough to meet some really cool people who have helped me immensely but as I read some other threads here and there I see some nasty responses that I am sure would make many not want to come back here..

Now that I hang on this site, I don't want it getting a bad rap :mrgreen:

purely selfish reasons, I know....


Well-Known Member
i hate when people tell noobs to search or check the faq's. if someone came to my house and had questions about my garden i wouldn't hand them a book. this is a "forum". it is designed specifically TO ASK QUESTIONS. there are NO stupid questions. one time, i didn't know how to germ a seed. peace.


Well-Known Member
Thats fine, but why have a Growfaq at all then? Why have a search function? Why ever create grow guides? When I was a noob, i tried to read all I could about what I wanted to know. I never once posted a thread to ask about things that were already well covered. I just see it as kind of disrespectful almost to clutter the board. Thats just my opinion though. Also, there is an entire subsection called newbie central as well. I help a TON of people on this board daily, but I refuse to help people who wont even ATTEMPT to help themselves. That again, is where i am coming from.


Well-Known Member
Thats fine, but why have a Growfaq at all then? Why have a search function? Why ever create grow guides? When I was a noob, i tried to read all I could about what I wanted to know. I never once posted a thread to ask about things that were already well covered. I just see it as kind of disrespectful almost to clutter the board. Thats just my opinion though. Also, there is an entire subsection called newbie central as well.
well, it goes like this:

someone starts a thread on hash making. they have a few simple questions. i answer them. things like "should my trim be dry". that's basic stuff. stuff people would think an idiot would know. so i politely answer. they dry the trim and have a few more questions. at this point i answer their questions and then refer them to the tutorial i have in faq's. they usually read the tutorial and have a few more questions. i continue to politely answer. some times the info in faqs is outdated. i have a few tutorials that have methods that have since been changed. it is really easy to just answer the question. i mean these are the "easy" questions we are speaking of. why hate when you can help? :peace:

i can't believe people are defending treating newbies poorly. :roll:
and they wonder what's wrong with the world today. :-?