Something wrong with my girls need help!!! please!!!

Smokin Thunder

Active Member
Hey peeps im having an issue my babies:sad: I noticed last week both plants on began to turn yellow from the bottom up. The bigger of the two is in its 2 day of flowering now and i noticed that its turning yellow from the bottom up... The smaller on wich is 40 days vegging is almost all yellow:-( I dont know what going on. i've been feeding them jacks classic 20-20-20 and have a c02 mix going on too. I had a problem with gnats comming in the soil so i added white sand but the problem began way before i did that. please i need your sudgestions to save my girls


Smokin Thunder

Active Member
prob should have been getting more n and less p k, have you flushed them through?

I've been giving them plain water the last 3 wattering. i just foliar feed them a few days ago. I thought they might have had a Magnesium deficeincy problem so i gave them some epsom salt both foliar and on the soil. Also my PH was above 7 according to a ph meter i have. Today i feed them some more nutes and added some vinagar to the water to lower PH to atleat 6. dose it seem like a nute issue or magnesium... man i dont wan them to die. Please any input would be great:sad:


Well-Known Member
i would have flushed them well, got ph sorted then feed them something more like 20-10-10, , it def looks like they need food, are these outside or under a light?


Well-Known Member

need more info, lights, water/soil ph, water sced etc........

first off the look a bit on the small side for 40 days, so usually yellow leaves means its lacking Nitrogen, but could also b a ph prob which stunted growth before.... what has your water ph been all a long??

what strain also....

also when u see probs like this as the guy above said flush asap with clean PH'D (6.5) water wit 3 times the capasity of the pots..

get your ph right and flush and give some grow and bloom nutes..

Smokin Thunder

Active Member
They are inside under 12 26W CFL 6500K. The water has a PH of 6.5 and as far as for as the strain i have no idea, Bag seed from some Sticky Crazy potent Indica. Would the white sand ontop cause any problems? So basically o should take like 2 galllons of water with a 6.5 ph per pot? there are i bealive 3 or 4 gallon clay pots. How much water should i use? Should i drop the PH to like 5.5 incase i have a PH issue?