Somethings up with my leaves


Active Member
Recently i started noticing yellow dry spots that are starting to make my leaves break apart a little bit. Ive never experienced this problem before but it seems like it started recently when i got my 250watt MH light. i thought the problem mite of been burns from the new light i put it but im not entirely sure because it seems to be worse on the bottom than the top but i fear eventualy everything will get fucked so im tryin to fix the problem asappp, here are a few pictures of the problems im having

its a little droopy from watering it a bit to much n shit

hope these pics help! :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
What nutes and in what strength are you using them? looks like nute problem, burn imo but wait for some more experienced responses.


Active Member
currently im just in the veg stage an havent use any nutes its been all organic until later, ive had only a few other grows before but they never had this problem, im not superr experienced yet but i know more than the basics. do you doubt it has anything to do with the new 250watt MH and to much heat? caus it is in a small area probly about 4ftX5ft or so but i do have a cooling reflector hooked up an that helps a pretty good amount


Active Member
i actualy doubt its a burn from the light because the top of the plant is a good 30 inches from the light and i kno u can have the tops like 18-24" away or so, and the top seems nice an healthy its only really noticable on some of the leaves but seems to be getting worse, i dont see any pest anywhere so i can rule pest out


Active Member
haha yah sorry about the size of the pictures i didnt realize they were gonna be so big but i guess u can see more that way:D


Active Member
lemme know what you think, trying to fix this asap, havent checked ph, nitrogen, phospherus or anything lately caus my money ran low so i had to wait, idk if that mite have something to do with it but im gettin some testers in two days, but yah lemme kno, thanks!

one more thing does anybody think it mite be from the pH level being off? i saw a picture of a plant with messed up pH levels and it looked highly similar to anything else ive seem,
ive also considered the possibility of a Phosphorus deficiency, or a Magnesium deficiency, all three diagnosis seem to look the similar its kinda hard to determine which of the one it is, ill be able to check the pH an Phosphorus levels in 2 days with my new tester kit. hopefully i can figure this problem out soon before it spreads


Active Member
sadly ive yet to purchase a tester i wont have one until thursday so i godda wait until then:( that was one of my thoughts as well tho, i know how to make the pH higher an lower so if it turns out to be the problem then itll be an easy solution.

would you suspect that the levels are high or low? or could it even be either one?


Active Member
actualy i think its from when i poored water over the plant when watering caus i did that twice an i didnt see spots until that, my mh light was reflecting off the water droplets causing a burn, someone helped me out with that idea an it seems like a logical explanation caus i havent seen it spread, im still gonna check all my levels tomarrow and make sure there straight tho just in case, an throw some epsom salt in my water since it could only help it


Active Member
true shit either that or a mag deficiency but in the passed 4 days it hasnt spread an im assuming with a mag deficiency it would be spreading around more, an it didnt happen until the water droplets got on the leaves so my guts tellin me im gravy and it was just some water droplets messin my leaves up. she looks beautiful everything seems to be going nicely soooooo fuck yeah! :D


Active Member
ok im waiting to check my P levels and i think u mite be rite on the P def, caus sadly it seems like some stunted growth has began to happen caus its not growin like it was before, but i was wondering if it turns out my P levels are down how do i get them back up?
what's your ph at? Looks like either P def. or PH lockout