Son of BOG selling his dad’s seeds

Sadly bog did pass away. I believe seedherenow is the place to get his legit gear, think the owner was somewhat close or had a good relationship with bog from what it seems. I would watch out and be suspicious for anyone selling as bogjr. I thought I heard his wife was going to try to get bog seeds out but not sure if she can seeing as she is somewhat older and might not be in the best of health last I heard. Someone else who knows more can probably elaborate more on this.
I actually snagged a pack of sour boggle from seeds here now in honor of busy old grower right after he passed, the next day all bogs seeds where sold out. Wanted to get the blue moon rocks, heard great things about that strain.
priceless seeds to own indeed. im very jellous enjoy them
priceless seeds to own indeed. im very jellous enjoy them
Ya someone wasw trying to do a trade on strainly for the pack of sour boggle for a pack of thugpug puta breath. Not sure...I loved puta breath but it seems like bog beans might be hard to come by again. Who knows though, I'm guessing there is parent plants and stock left over to work with and like I said bog was sold thru seedsherenow and bog himself. Pretty sure in the past you could hit up on IG or his email and he would sell you seeds.

I set up a a strainly account and it's kind of a have to do 3 positive reviewed trades before you can be a member who can post. I think thats definitely a good thing but at first you have to trade with mostly new members who are doing the same thing. I'm little sketched out to trade some of my prized packs and get burned by someone. Have no interest in cuts or clones. I'll only grab cuts from fellow growers friends I know who I trust. Snagged some cuts thru a well known online vendor this past year and ran was dispo/commercial trash.
Bog's wife is sick as well i thought i even heard she was worse off then him i thought ? he just passed away 1st but i could be wrong .
I vaguely recall some talk a few months back that some relative of BOG's was going to work with his stock to continue the business, maybe in the BOG thread here? Kinda wish I'd thought to pick up a pack or two of Sour Boggle right after he passed... grew that last summer outdoors and it turned out great. Still have 10 seeds left, but still, more would be better.
I've seen the posts on Instagram, Bogs son only sells to seedsherenow right now. (and they are all out of stock for now)