Son of BOG selling his dad’s seeds

I've seen the posts on Instagram, Bogs son only sells to seedsherenow right now. (and they are all out of stock for now)
Ya thats what I was thinking as well. Most likely a family member/son of bog would stick to the plan in place and sell to his main seed bank/ distributor. Sound like a scam to me
Its 100% a scam and I got taken by it. Cashapp sent him $175 and got nothing back. I can confirm its a SCAM.
Its all over Instagram same guy is trying to get anyone making profiles claiming hes BOG jr. Could be elsewhere and hasnt stopped since so i wouldnt try anything other than seedsherenow or someone trusted in the community.. So be careful Peeps ..
I got these from seedsherenow. They shut down for a couple days. When they opened back up I found these.View attachment 4892870
I bought packs from him probably a year before he passed. I was "on" overgrow when I was like 15-16. I didn't post shit and I wasn't growing or anything but BOG was the coolest dude ever. just an OG with his dust buster in a robe and slippers posting the frostiest shit ever. I think he taught a lot of people to not only have fun with the plant but also to have fun in the community, especially on the forums. I want to pop a pack for an outdoor open pollination this year and i was leaning towards the lifesaver. I have a pack of sour bubble and sour strawberry also but the lifesaver sounds so good to me.
I got these from seedsherenow on Wednesday

You start a few? Maybe my eyesight is going but that looks like 10 seeds and the package says 14?

Hopefully someone keeps those genetics around.

I imagine his son will produce and release more when he can, through SHN or whatever established bank he's working through.

I wish I had thought to buy more, but I do have a small stash of BOG seeds. I reckon if little old me has a pack here and there the serious collectors are holding large numbers, enough to do serious reproductions should things not work out for BOG's son. I'm planning on F2ing what I have, but it's going to have to wait.
I snagged these within a week after bog passed away. I received this pack from seeds here now. His whole catalog of strain were pretty much cleared out within that week. I've thought I've seen seedherenow possibly working with someone connected to bog to get his gear out in the future but again I do not know.

Just know that stuff about his son above is a scam, you have to be careful in situations like these, there's alot of grifters on IG that pop up to take advantage of situations like this.
SOn of Bog is a fake. I was on a discord forum and fell for it and Jamez Bean from Seedsherenow gave me free credit on his site when he saw I got taken. Props to him. But yes, its a fake. I even got the guys personal info who is running the scam thanks to people on Instagram hunting him down.
See^ this type of info need to be posted. People should be aware that people are out there grifting and scamming hard in the community. The scammer the took tardis's money probably made a lot of money capitalizing on the death of bog which is just so fucked up and wrong when you think about it.