SONOFF WIFI Temperature and Humidity Switch

Yeah there are loads of vids on how to do it. The TH modules will only work with the Mycodo software if they are running Tasmota so I had no choice but after watching a couple vids, flashing it was pretty straightforward. It's way better as its just run on my LAN now.
Ya my main thing was switching it to LAN. They run an 8266 chip so you can flash a personal arduino sketch/firmware to play with your home automation system if you desired.

I'm building out an esp32 for various tasks but controlling via websocket communication. I'm not sure if Ill try to use node red or not, it seems very powerful and easy but I've not much experience or know-how when it comes to node red.
Ya my main thing was switching it to LAN. They run an 8266 chip so you can flash a personal arduino sketch/firmware to play with your home automation system if you desired.

I'm building out an esp32 for various tasks but controlling via websocket communication. I'm not sure if ill try to use node red or not, it seems very powerful and easy but I've not much experience or know-how when it comes to node red.

Yep, if my programming skills were better I could get more out of Mycodo as well, but I have all the basics sorted and will just tweak it. My grow is all fully automated but my house is still dumb as a brick :?
Yep, if my programming skills were better I could get more out of Mycodo as well, but I have all the basics sorted and will just tweak it. My grow is all fully automated but my house is still dumb as a brick :?

Lol ya my programming skills arent top notch either, but as far as the Sonoff's, the old lady loves em, I put all her stuff on em, scentsy, deck string lights, space heater, ect. In 15 years nobody will use physical switches anymore, it'll all be automated or wireless, ... well maybe lol

On a side note, do any of your guy's cooking ovens turn off when the timer stops? Lol mine doesn't and I never hear the buzzer, I might put a relay on the oven too cause I'm sick of eating crunchy pizza lol
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Lol ya my programming skills arent top notch either, but as far as the Sonoff's, the old lady loves em, I put all her stuff on em, scentsy, deck string lights, space heater, ect. In 15 years nobody will use physical switches anymore, it'll all be automated or wireless, ... well maybe lol

On a side note, do any of your guy's cooking ovens turn off when the timer stops? Lol mine doesn't and I never hear the buzzer, I might put a relay on the oven too cause I'm sick of eating crunchy pizza lol

Yeah mine turns off man but I don't use that timer I have another one on my fridge I use so if the food needs longer I don't have to touch the oven.
If you are able to program at all. Get an eco duino by df robot, a raspberry pi, an arduino uno + a raspberry pi. Makes a great autonomous grow set up and if you need help just message me I've helped plenty of people.

Yeah there are a few Raspi pi controllers out there. Have a look at Mycodo it's really good and functionality limitless really.
On a side note, do any of your guy's cooking ovens turn off when the timer stops? Lol mine doesn't and I never hear the buzzer,
It does. Best feature ever. I usually start doing something loud 2 minutes before the timer will sound. Subtract a few minutes for the continual cooking from residual heat though, you won't "remember" that you didn't hear the alarm until a few minutes later (or more). This way the pizza, or whatever will be perfect....after another quick reheat. Note: This reheat is the new opportunity for you to burn the pizza :D

I can set you up with some working source code.
You're the best. Haha.
Gonna check out your project.
Ya my main thing was switching it to LAN.
I'd like to avoid "the internet", local to the building is fine for me, too.