SOOO medical card users can't have guns...

""" No !! this is my law !! my land !! you can't have guns and weed !! god damn it we've lost the war against weed nO NO !!! my land my law Do as i say boo hoo !! """


They really are pathetic don't you think, i'm mean they're the butt of 90% jokes ...... why can't they see this ? because boo hoo that's why !!
""" No !! this is my law !! my land !! you can't have guns and weed !! god damn it we've lost the war against weed nO NO !!! my land my law Do as i say boo hoo !! """


They really are pathetic don't you think, i'm mean they're the butt of 90% jokes ...... why can't they see this ? because boo hoo that's why !!

They operate on 'feelings' and 'beliefs', as opposed to logic, reason, common sense or the law. Whatever jumps in their head they'll do, because they're 'right' and they'll 'make people understand'. My own sister is one of these and she's caused no end of havoc in my life. What's sad is that she's smarter than this, she's just intellectually lazy.

Therefore, they're immune to reason, common sense or even the appeal to how they'd feel in their target's shoes.

The Chump is doing a fantastic job of discrediting them, yet their blinders don't let them see how badly they're being played. This isn't a surprise since history shows they've enthusiastically let themselves be played for fools since Mr Reagan's campaign.
They operate on 'feelings' and 'beliefs', as opposed to logic, reason, common sense or the law.

They're weird then, Feelings !

""we have decided you can't have guns because we don't feel it's right and believe it's wrong""

They sound brainwashed to what they think is right, most these people believe and feel that adam and eves true ? bets %70 aaaatttt least !!

life noobs :)
They're weird then, Feelings !

""we have decided you can't have guns because we don't feel it's right and believe it's wrong""

They sound brainwashed to what they think is right, most these people believe and feel that adam and eves true ? bets %70 aaaatttt least !!

life noobs :)

And yet they take one another seriously and expect us to do the same.

This may explain their stance on guns; they'll MAKE us take them seriously, gol durnit!
The U.S. just upheld the law..
I don't own a gun, I don't even like guns (cept 12 gauges are fun as hell to blow up shit with)
How fucked is that?
Their argument is medical marijuana users aren't "lawful"
Their second argument is that
The 9th Circuit said in its 3-0 decision that Congress reasonably concluded that marijuana and other drug use "raises the risk of irrational or unpredictable behavior with which gun use should not be associated."

you guys fuckin believe that??

cuz marijuana users are frequently VERY violent and unpredictable...
I believe that they do not want people shooting marijuanas. The human tragedy there is simply too great.