Soooo I need some advice


Active Member
Well I want to tell my mom and eventually my dad That I smoke weed, Ive been smoking for about 4 years now, never fully been caught, but my mom finds little things all the time, so I want to tell her pretty soon, sounds simple but the thing is, my brother has been smoking weed sense he was like 13 and hes 23 now so around 10 years, he has a job but he dropped out of college his first year and hes living with my dad, to just make it simple hes fucked up A LOT in his life with some of his choices, it's really hard to explain how screwed up his life is right now, so I think If I tell my parents I have a feeling they will think I will turn out exactly like my brother if I continue which I know I won't, like I said ive been smoking 4 years now and theres nothing wrong with me, I do good in school, I have a job, bought my own truck, but if I tell them I know automatically they will think I am a fuck up like my brother. So do you think I should tell them or keep it hidden? :confused:


New Member
I wouldn't tell them dude.. Once you graduate college, have your own house, and a job.. then tell them, and then tell them to suck it. If you end up going to school and dropping out like your brother you WILL NEVER HEAR THE END OF IT!


Well-Known Member
oh dude im in the same boat as you lol
turned 18 in october
i got a job and go to school but i smoke lots of weed


Well-Known Member
The brainwashed are hard to convince, even if they ARE your parents. I'd say keep
it to yourself. There's things your parents have done you DON'T want to know about
believe me, being human and all. lol So, it's ok to have privacy, don't feel guilty about
that. It's your right.