Sorry Canada: edibles, extracts and topicals aren't ready

smoking or dabbing ton!.
Never coughed
never wheezed
nothing came out...
haven't burned for near 4 months after 40 plus years of being Chronic..
an oz of primo hash a week plus plus one time anyway
because your cilia are dead, you dont have the equipment left after 40 years of damage to bring it up
I don't believe there is any evidence to suggest Rosin is "bad" for you when dabbed at the right temps. Let's see it if you have it...
go ask the doctor at your local hospital who administers chest drains
I dont really care what you believe bro the evidence is pretty good
but if you think your lungs process oil and fats, thats not my issue at all :)
I only smoked butts till the age of 30 then quit after heart surgery :lol:

best thing that came out of it actually.......................... I quit smoking BUTTS :grin:
Still burned like a fiend I did eh :)
I only smoked butts till the age of 30 then quit after heart surgery :lol:

best thing that came out of it actually.......................... I quit smoking BUTTS :grin:
Still burned like a fiend I did eh :)
quitting tobacco is a bitch gj
but its hot dry air that does the most damage to the hairs in your lung and bronchial tubes, not the chemicals in smoke like people say

so if you quit tobacco, but keep smoking weed, your lungs dont heal much if at all which is good maybe, because the pain from tubs uncloging is a bitch and coughing shit up like a coal miner is pretty bad too, also the mucus that gets trapped in the lung acts as a matrix and can have viruses &c in it so you can catch the flu or something you never got 5 years ago
plus all the other werid shit your body does when you quit sucking in oilly hot dry air

they dont tell people about that shit tho so they arent afraid to quit
go ask the doctor at your local hospital who administers chest drains
I dont really care what you believe bro the evidence is pretty good
but if you think your lungs process oil and fats, thats not my issue at all :)

I don't know about being bad for your lungs, I mean, I assume everything taken into your lungs besides air is probably "bad" for them, so for everyone's entertainment...

Pine sap shatter? Wow can people not taste the difference? There is no way pine sap would burn or taste the same as cannabis concentrates. That stuff looks real though lol
I don't know about being bad for your lungs, I mean, I assume everything taken into your lungs besides air is probably "bad" for them, so for everyone's entertainment...

I cant find the journal report on the cases I saw(was a few years ago)
there are lots of them to wade through lol, if no one comes to get me in this snow i will keep looking till i find them because people should know it can happen and weed isnt 1000% safe like everyone thinks lol
quitting tobacco is a bitch gj
but its hot dry air that does the most damage to the hairs in your lung and bronchial tubes, not the chemicals in smoke like people say

so if you quit tobacco, but keep smoking weed, your lungs dont heal much if at all which is good maybe, because the pain from tubs uncloging is a bitch and coughing shit up like a coal miner is pretty bad too, also the mucus that gets trapped in the lung acts as a matrix and can have viruses &c in it so you can catch the flu or something you never got 5 years ago
plus all the other werid shit your body does when you quit sucking in oilly hot dry air

they dont tell people about that shit tho so they arent afraid to quit
I can push 4 gallons of air :) Lungs of a marathon runner but cant run worth shit :lol:
How bout you? :idea:
most only push maybe 2gallons when healthy lol

oh and I haven't had the flu in YEARS ..but I eat oil eh :lol:
I cant find the journal report on the cases I saw(was a few years ago)
there are lots of them to wade through lol, if no one comes to get me in this snow i will keep looking till i find them because people should know it can happen and weed isnt 1000% safe like everyone thinks lol

If you take a dab too hot you can burn and scar your lungs which can harm them and cause issues like pneumonia.

If you take a dab too hot some terpines also convert to agents known to be carcinogenics. If you take a BHO dab you risk residual contaminants as well.

Rosin should not have any contaminants if made correctly and when take at the correct temps is much better for your lungs than smoking a joint as there is far less tar.....
If you take a dab too hot you can burn and scar your lungs which can harm them and cause issues like pneumonia.

If you take a dab too hot some terpines also convert to agents known to be carcinogenics. If you take a BHO dab you risk residual contaminants as well.

Rosin should not have any contaminants if made correctly and when take at the correct temps is much better for your lungs than smoking a joint as there is far less tar.....
yes pipes and joints are the worst was to smoke, not so much for tar, but tar soaked ash

pipes are enemy numba 1 imo
I can push 4 gallons of air :) Lungs of a marathon runner but cant run worth shit :lol:
How bout you? :idea:
most only push maybe 2gallons when healthy lol

oh and I haven't had the flu in YEARS ..but I eat oil eh :lol:
Im not sure what you are arguing?
I have no idea how many gallons of air I push, or what that has to do with this, we are talking more about gas transfer potential rather than gross volume I would think?

I dont know but I am glad you are in good health and good spirits :)
yes pipes and joints are the worst was to smoke, not so much for tar, but tar soaked ash

pipes are enemy numba 1 imo

My wife keeps a pipe in the car for when I pick her up at work. I got stuck in traffic for 4 hrs the other day, and used it. I literally threw up from the taste of butane from that bic lighter. Don't know how she does it.

I use hemp wick with my bong at home, and if I have to pipe or bong with a bic, or any lighter for that matter, I'd quit smoking weed and learn to love eating it.

So...with that, my question would be, is it the lighter crap or the weed that you feel makes the pipe the "worst"?
My wife keeps a pipe in the car for when I pick her up at work. I got stuck in traffic for 4 hrs the other day, and used it. I literally threw up from the taste of butane from that bic lighter. Don't know how she does it.

I use hemp wick with my bong at home, and if I have to pipe or bong with a bic, or any lighter for that matter, I'd quit smoking weed and learn to love eating it.

So...with that, my question would be, is it the lighter crap or the weed that you feel makes the pipe the "worst"?
its the direct unfiltered smoke and the particles of ash that go straight into your lungs that make me rank it as the worst.
But yes, I am sure butane is super bad for you too. I cant see inhaling any hydrocarbon as very good, which is why i scratch my head at people smoking propylene in there vape things.... kids today lol
I've been smoking a lot for a long time....just had a lung function test and faired better than expected...puff puff pass....I don't do concentrates other than the usual oil and hash, and edibles are unpredictable for me, even thought they are high test....