Sorry for this dumb question


Well-Known Member
Ive seen people bring up auto's and whatnot..... what are they talking about?

I have seen them brought up over and over and have n clue as to what they are saying.:-?


Well-Known Member
autos = hybrids mixed with cannabis ruderalis causing them to automatically go into flower mode without having to alter the light cycle.


Well-Known Member
Ahhh thx guys, makes are autos better to grow for the average noob like me?
auto's just take the light timing out of the in essence they would be easier, but you still need to follow the rest of the standard everyday gardening that goes along with growing cannabis :)


Well-Known Member
Thx Massah, yeah this was my first year I ever had a real was outdoors so I don't really controls lights. I got about 3-4 pounds per plant in 100 gallon smart pot. I'm just researching because of my 5 plants I have only harvested 3 and the other 2 are really behind and its getting cold now, I'm starting to wonder if the other 3 were autos and thats why they did bud faster?

Here is a link from sept 28th,
I already harvested the 3 plants with big buds but my durben poison is barely budding and seems to be just mostly whitehairs....Im thinking maybe its not a durban poison like they said and could just be a mexican bagseed booboo. I don't really know.............


Well-Known Member
there are also early flower iranian bread strains that get triggered into flowering sooner than regular strains and finish faster, so thats what those might have been...also sativa's take longer to mature than indicas, so that may have also been the case? :)

and after review of the video yeah the ones that are still flowering are sativas where the others are more indica dominant :)


Well-Known Member
Durban should smell like black licorice
OK I'll keep that in mind and watch for the far it does not smell at all just white hairs, ill have to take another video tonight as that one was almost a month ago.....gues I will only grow indicas if thats the case, its taking wayyyyy too long.


Well-Known Member
OK I'll keep that in mind and watch for the far it does not smell at all just white hairs, ill have to take another video tonight as that one was almost a month ago.....gues I will only grow indicas if thats the case, its taking wayyyyy too long.
Just depends on when you start them...if you have a short growing season that ends about now you need to start sativas indoors around march to get them to mature :)


Well-Known Member
OK I'll keep that in mind and watch for the far it does not smell at all just white hairs, ill have to take another video tonight as that one was almost a month ago.....gues I will only grow indicas if thats the case, its taking wayyyyy too long.
Durban should be done by mid September