Sorry I haven't been around in a while....

What should happen to the landlord? oh and did I mention he's an ex-cop?

  • Spank his hand and say now don't you ever do this again!!!

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • Hang the Bastard!!

    Votes: 4 18.2%
  • Slowly torture him....

    Votes: 8 36.4%
  • Ram a huge dildo up his ass???

    Votes: 12 54.5%
  • some other slow painful form of torture, then a slow painful death?

    Votes: 7 31.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Active Member
Well I have had a lot of shit happen to me. I had a family member pass away back in end of may. I had to take care of the funeral arrangements and then go to california to get her belongings for her developmentally disabled daughter.

Had butted head's with landlord cause i was not legally considered next of kin but her daughter released her mother's remains and belongings to me. So landlord made huge deal over everything. We just butted head's after first call. Then I get there and he trashed her shit literally!!!! He did it out of spite and hate. My family member was disabled in wheelchair very sick and also a lesbian. Well with her being very sick she had to wear diapers. So what does the landlord do? He put everything she owned in trash bags with literal trash and dirty diapers, etc. It was nasty!!!! :spew:

He did it intentionally and on purpose!!! He knew I had certain physical disablities like fiibro and he intentionally weighed down the bag's as heavy as possible!! So in process of doing this because he was a jackass!!! I hurt myself lifting all the bag's. His little kiss-ass maintence man helped. I do plan to sue the maggot for personal injury and anything else I can get him on. Would you want one of your family members thing's packed like this? (see photo's below) I think every death should be treated with dignity and respect!!! I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy...... well maybe the maggot that did this. But anyways thats why I haven't been around. Been dealing with death in family and all that bullshit plus more pain and new pains in new places. But the little bit of good new's I do have is I did get some KGB (killer green bud) :joint: in cali. And am planning on suing the bastard. And I topped my plants and the one plant that has survived out of one's i started earlier this year just like started growing wild. I came home and they looked good. anyways here's the pic's below. And no my family member did NOT live like that!! she had a care taker and she has always been neat freak all her life so I know this was all intentional. Sorry guy's baked and venting. Just pissed off at this maggot!!!



Well-Known Member
ill straight up beat a bitches ass for doing that shit just hit me up hes just a bully but hes not the biggest one i can bet its one thing to do it to a renter whos a dickhead period but someone on disability fuck that take a pipe to his ass and let him know what its ganna be like in jail for him
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Well-Known Member
sorry for this double post but shit like this really pisses me off , if you get ahold of him i got so many ideas for torture its not funny youd think i was insane and did for a living....o_O or do i. start with his hands and feet cut the webs between every finger and toe and add a dash of salt to kick it up a notch. BAM like emerial does it. i got more ideas if youd like to hear


Well-Known Member


Sorry but ya can say waht ya want bout karma and shit.... But this dude needs all options you put there to choose from

dildo up the ass, Light hair on fire.. if he hasnt got any get some petrol..... Spank he's fucking ears dude... so he fucking gets all dizzy .... FUCKING SPANK HIM I TELL YOU !

Knock him to the ground, grab he's hands fucking chicken wire them ! YEs....... Make it hurt..... then you fucking shit in he's face .......... also to flush down the poo you also Piss in his face....




Thats so sad...... Man she must of cry'd so hard..... poor girl.......... Common man..

Get him.... hit him !


Active Member
Thanks guys for the offer's..... did I mention he's also an ex cop? Yeah he deserves all of the above and then some!!!!!



Well-Known Member
Oh my God... I am STUNNED. He has SO broken the law. Oh my God. I am so sorry he put you through this, as if what you're facing weren't enough! My jaw hit the floor when I saw those pix.

Oh my God. I cannot believe he did this.


Well-Known Member
I'm really sorry to hear that sad story. Being an ex-cop.. he should know what's coming to him.


Well-Known Member
Omg, i can't believe there are people in the world like this, It truly is sad. Im sorry that you had to go through this, keep us updated with everything. I hope the case goes well, RIU is here for support! :-D go take some bong rips and chill for a while bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
This is a very bad situation and im so sorry to hear you are going through it. My brother was in a wheelchair his entire life and passed away in 99. I dont know how I would react if this had been done to his things. I would contact a lawyer a.s.a.p. I assume she had the rent paid to the end of the month. Had it been some time till you got to her things? The only way you can legally remove the items of a tenant is to have them evicted. If she had a lease the land lord would have had to go to court to do this and it would take around 3 months to do. The condition your thing were left is just plain violation of the law. Even if he did have her evicted he has to take reasonable efforts to protect her things. By putting them in the bags he did this, However to put it with trash and rotting food would negate this effort. Go see a lawyer you have suffered damages. not to mention the injury you had on his property. Did you see a doctor for the injury? Its very importent that you do if you havent. You need to get the injury on record. Good Luck with everything and God bless.


Well-Known Member
Doc, you've nailed it. I hope to hell she nails his ass. I don't think he performed due diligence with his handling of the personal items. Since this is Cali, I believe the landlord is required to store the items, if not in the apartment, then he must rent a storage unit.

And, the thing is, I bet you he wasn't in the process of eviction. I bet you he's just counting on people not knowing their rights. Also, people think cops know the law. They don't, an attorney knows the law. Most police don't know, for instance, that federal law allows that any and all motorcyclists may install headlight modulators that quickly dim and brighten the headlight. I know of many people with these modulators that have been pulled over and issued equipment tickets. Then, they go to court and show the judge the federal law.


Active Member
Oh my God... I am STUNNED. He has SO broken the law. Oh my God. I am so sorry he put you through this, as if what you're facing weren't enough! My jaw hit the floor when I saw those pix.

Oh my God. I cannot believe he did this.
Yeah..... well he did. So now am looking for a good california lwyer or lawyers. I think i may have a couple of seperate cases.



Active Member
What a little fucking cunt. Good luck in court.
Well if your calling me the cunt, then yes I am now and plan to nail his ass in court. And if your calling him a cunt then yes he is a cunt!!!!

I'm really sorry to hear that sad story. Being an ex-cop.. he should know what's coming to him.
Being an ex-cop and having 2 brother's and a sister who are lawyers and took advantage of me not knowing california law!!!

What a scum bag move, i hope you make him pay.

Sorry for your loss also.
TY for the condolences. and yes it was just so disrespectful to the dead and a grieving family!!!!

Omg, i can't believe there are people in the world like this, It truly is sad. Im sorry that you had to go through this, keep us updated with everything. I hope the case goes well, RIU is here for support! :-D go take some bong rips and chill for a while bongsmilie
TY Jables Yes it is hard to believe but i unfortunately had to go through it. I'm just praying for justice thats all i want. Money is nice and all but I want justice!!! And thanks for the supprt all of you!! I don;t really have anyone to talk to about this and it just sux!!! Yeah I do bong hits and chill!!!

That just sucks. Sorry Stonergirl. :(

People like that suck.
I hope he's forced to suck green donkey dicks!!!! Excuse my non lady like talk but thats how I feel!!!

This is a very bad situation and im so sorry to hear you are going through it. My brother was in a wheelchair his entire life and passed away in 99. I dont know how I would react if this had been done to his things. I would contact a lawyer a.s.a.p. I assume she had the rent paid to the end of the month. Had it been some time till you got to her things? The only way you can legally remove the items of a tenant is to have them evicted. If she had a lease the land lord would have had to go to court to do this and it would take around 3 months to do. The condition your thing were left is just plain violation of the law. Even if he did have her evicted he has to take reasonable efforts to protect her things. By putting them in the bags he did this, However to put it with trash and rotting food would negate this effort. Go see a lawyer you have suffered damages. not to mention the injury you had on his property. Did you see a doctor for the injury? Its very importent that you do if you havent. You need to get the injury on record. Good Luck with everything and God bless.
Doc, you've nailed it. I hope to hell she nails his ass. I don't think he performed due diligence with his handling of the personal items. Since this is Cali, I believe the landlord is required to store the items, if not in the apartment, then he must rent a storage unit.

And, the thing is, I bet you he wasn't in the process of eviction. I bet you he's just counting on people not knowing their rights. Also, people think cops know the law. They don't, an attorney knows the law. Most police don't know, for instance, that federal law allows that any and all motorcyclists may install headlight modulators that quickly dim and brighten the headlight. I know of many people with these modulators that have been pulled over and issued equipment tickets. Then, they go to court and show the judge the federal law.
Yes rent was paid up until june anyways but he collected hud rent for june and i know he did cause they did not know she passed away till her care provider called them. He should have left them in apartment it was sealed by sherrif. No one but a family member such as me who had been given power of atty over my loved one. But cause he's an ex-cop and has buddys in the dept and brothers and sister as lawyer he found away around it. I think that was after my so called terroristic threats. Do you think don't make me bring so and so a threat?? Come on the way he was argueing with me after 1st call it was because he was trying to keep me from my loved one's personal belongings. He cared more about making that almighty dollar and rent out apt asap instead of being compassionate to my grief. I even have a terminally ill fiancee to boot. When we got his blood work back after i got home he nearly died from his horomones being deadly low he only had 10% of what normal men should have. His internal organs was shutting down and I left him gto deal with that bs?? And yes he was taking advantage of the fact that I do not know california law's. Of course he did!!! As stated befor he has 2 brothers and a sister that are lawyers.



New Member
It never ceases to amaze me how nasty humans can be to one another.
I am not a huge people fan and this kind of shit is why I'm not:evil:
Why do people ALWAYS have to do the revenge thing????

I don't get how revenge makes ANYTHING better?

In my opinion you are beneath the person who pissed you off for being revengeful.

Now getting justice is another thing completely.

I would try and get him charged for damaged items. Thats just wrong. I hate reading about stuff like this. :evil: Just nasty nasty.

WTF is wrong with humanity.
No wonder I like dogs better:hump:

That is some really nasty stuff gurl.
I have fibromyalgia and it is not an easy thing to live with
It affects you on every level including the mental and the muscle aches are unreal.

OUCH!!! Yeahhhh I'd be pissed.
Not sure what I would do but I know for sure that I would have to settle down before dealing with him cause I would be livid and cursing big time.:cuss:

Ouch. I really feel for you and am sorry :neutral:
Well I have had a lot of shit happen to me. I had a family member pass away back in end of may. I had to take care of the funeral arrangements and then go to california to get her belongings for her developmentally disabled daughter.

Had butted head's with landlord cause i was not legally considered next of kin but her daughter released her mother's remains and belongings to me. So landlord made huge deal over everything. We just butted head's after first call. Then I get there and he trashed her shit literally!!!! He did it out of spite and hate. My family member was disabled in wheelchair very sick and also a lesbian. Well with her being very sick she had to wear diapers. So what does the landlord do? He put everything she owned in trash bags with literal trash and dirty diapers, etc. It was nasty!!!! :spew:

He did it intentionally and on purpose!!! He knew I had certain physical disablities like fiibro and he intentionally weighed down the bag's as heavy as possible!! So in process of doing this because he was a jackass!!! I hurt myself lifting all the bag's. His little kiss-ass maintence man helped. I do plan to sue the maggot for personal injury and anything else I can get him on. Would you want one of your family members thing's packed like this? (see photo's below) I think every death should be treated with dignity and respect!!! I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy...... well maybe the maggot that did this. But anyways thats why I haven't been around. Been dealing with death in family and all that bullshit plus more pain and new pains in new places. But the little bit of good new's I do have is I did get some KGB (killer green bud) :joint: in cali. And am planning on suing the bastard. And I topped my plants and the one plant that has survived out of one's i started earlier this year just like started growing wild. I came home and they looked good. anyways here's the pic's below. And no my family member did NOT live like that!! she had a care taker and she has always been neat freak all her life so I know this was all intentional. Sorry guy's baked and venting. Just pissed off at this maggot!!!