robert 14617
Well-Known Member
if thats the case i'll just avoid threads where the poking is going on unsubed
Maybe they dont have a problem with the taste, they just dont like that something has to die for that taste, when instead something grown could produce something similar in taste. Am I making any sense? (I know I said taste a lot)I refrained from getting personal until he did. Go back and look.
He's angry because he can't take advantage of the dollar menu anymore and has to eat $13.00 veggie burgers. Which brings me to another point. If vegetarians despise meat so much, why do they come up with shit that looks and tastes like meat? I had a veggie burger once and it pretty much tasted like the real thing.
I did look it up and found nothing conclusive for the whole planet. Though the percentage of vegetarians in India alone blows your claim out of the water.Hold on, you are assuming I said everyone thinks like me. Where did I say everybody else shares my mindset? I just stated less than 1% shares his.
It seems to me the people speaking out are all meat-eaters. Now what does that tell you?All i can see are about 3 of johnnyOs friends sticking up for him and his arrogant behavior. Doesn't really add up to much.
And to think all I said what that you were incapable of insulting me.Do you really think he is superior to me because he doesn't eat meat. Answer that, big guy. He sure does, and that is the point I am making, but you're not getting it.
The same could be said to you.Bring something constructive to the conversation or hush your mouth
I can understand that, but I would think that they would want to remove themselves totally from meat. To me, saying they enjoy the taste of flesh still connects them to it, if that makes any sense.Maybe they dont have a problem with the taste, they just dont like that something has to die for that taste, when instead something grown could produce something similar in taste. Am I making any sense? (I know I said taste a lot)
And you're right, I think the veggie burgers that taste like meat are pretty good.
it adds up to, welllllll, a lot more people backing jonny than you. you keeeeeep going on about majorities, the world, everyone, yet you've been on the minority side of this rom the get-go? seems odd seeing as you're the mass majority meat eaterAll i can see are about 3 of johnnyOs friends sticking up for him and his arrogant behavior. Doesn't really add up to much.
Nice photo! How did you get your Mom to pry herself off the couch, and away from her 'stories,' long enough to take the snapshot?You want to eat soy, eat soy. But don't think for a second that I will sit idly by in the wake of a thread like this one. No, I will remind you of the true nature of your diet. I will remind you that the cognitive dissonance you desperately cling to is the true delusion.
No need to thank me. Thank the OP.
I actually typed that out too, smart guy.
Creating a thread certainly does not make you an attention whore. Creating and maintaining an imaginary coffeehouse does.
You call me sour grapes, i call you an attention whore. We're even.
Yea tebor, i'm aware that there's nasty shit in the meat and dairy, but it's because I like them so much that I will never watch videos like that. Lol.[youtube]5D8wSEHTbVk[/youtube]
i cant beleive people eat mat or drink milk from the grocery store or fast food chains.
When utters become infected and start producing puss which gets into the milk, the milk is still allowed to be sold to consumers.
Yeah, I'm gonna follow rob's lead and unsubscribe. I think this thread has passed it's informative stage anyways.Moving into troll status now.....
And if you do think you're better because of it, you must be from San FranciscojohnnyO, you're answering for the meat-eaters now.
It seems to me the people speaking out are all your friends. Now what does that tell you?
Answer this one question, JohnnyO, and I will quit boring you.
Do you think you are intellectually and morally superior simply because you don't kill and eat animals, to those that do?
It's a yes or no question, JohnnyO.
Nice photo! How did you get your Mom to pry herself off the couch, and away from her 'stories,' long enough to take the snapshot?
You couldn't recognize 'even' if it gave you a reach-around.
Perhaps you should read the entire thread you are obviously fixated on, and which is the basis of your pedantic ranting and raving.
4 is not the majority, friend. Did your gf tell you 4 was a big number?it adds up to, welllllll, a lot more people backing jonny than you. you keeeeeep going on about majorities, the world, everyone, yet you've been on the minority side of this rom the get-go? seems odd seeing as you're the mass majority meat eater
This thread passed it's informative stage after my first post.Yeah, I'm gonna follow rob's lead and unsubscribe. I think this thread has passed it's informative stage anyways.
.............And if you do think you're better because of it, you must be from San Francisco
Just tryin to lighten the mood.
No.johnnyO, you're answering for the meat-eaters now.
It seems to me the people speaking out are all your friends. Now what does that tell you?
Answer this one question, JohnnyO, and I will quit boring you.
Do you think you are intellectually and morally superior simply because you don't kill and eat animals, to those that do?
It's a yes or no question, JohnnyO.
Was it really a Mom joke? I considered it more of Mom's basement jokes are lame johnnyO and a sure sign of you losing ground. but hey! your friends think you're a champ.
What's even worse is that you and 4 of your friends are fixated as well.