sort of new...nice room need alittle help


Active Member
hey guys im kindive new to this so i just bought my first 400watt light and new 400 watt hps bulb and new 400 watt metal halide conversion bulb
and i wired up the room. and im using soil mc professional soilits list everthing that they say has to be in it is. um my question is should i put some cfl's along the walls of my its 6 by 4 by 6 im using a 400 want to run umm 5 to 6 plants but im using seeds...that are germatining right now...but unsure of type. so my question is grow timing? should i be running i heard 18/6 then 12/12 and last 2 days before pick no light?

any help would be nice il load some pics up right later tonight.

i also picked up a hepa filter it was little loud so put it in a box sound blanketed it. and seems to be good im running with no plants yet room temp of 82 degree's 42 percent humitiy..

i also made a odour bucket as shown..i love this site.

i also tappe in bring frest air in...and getting ride of the bad hot air into the flue of my furnace..vent. cough works good lol.

now i hear people talking about nuts all the time. should i be using them and what should i be feeding i just want some nice tasting bud. with little problems.

what else um i picked up some thermo blanket reflection wrap and wrap my 400watt plant area... good idea?

and watering i see different ways to do wicks and bucks and pumps... i can make anything u guys suggest u tell me il build and post pics im going to keep a journal to track everything alittle help would be nice thanks guys.

Remember the best thing from working along hard day is coming home to a bitchy wife. stupid dog...heading out back and smoking a nice size blunt!!! thanks for ur time guys.


Well-Known Member
Your setup looks pretty good to me. as for lighting, 18-6 will do for veg and 12 12 for flowering, and yes people do kill the lights to get the plants all worked up at the end ive no personal experiance with it but other seem to get good results. and some keep lights on 24.0 in veg as well. im doin 18 6 myself for power/heat reasons

the only thing in your post that i didnt see was anything about your water. you are using tap water im guessing? what ever your using, if you dont have a ph kit get one and check it. with that MG soil your ph is probably a bit low right now. id water with at least 6.5, maybe up to 7.2 for a while then stick to 6.25 or so.

hope i was helpful.

good luck with the bitchy wife.


check out my grow journal


Active Member
well i was told if my ph in my water was between 6.2 and 6.8 its okay so i picked up a ph kit il check tomorrow. um i didnt get to upload the pics...okay the timing is good i understand alittle bit more but i havent grown before. how long will it take between veg and bloom. little help would be very welcomed thankyou.


Active Member
oky im running 6.3 for ph and everything is starting the plants were just put under the lights and just started usually how long does it take for them to pop threw the ground?

will have pics up later tonight


Well-Known Member
one other reason for aging your water is to get it to room temp, your plants prefer room temp water, so age your water atleast 24 hours before you use it, this also evaporates chlorine from the water. take down the thermo blanket and buy some mylar, you can find it online through any hydro store relatively cheap. The thermo blanket material is less reflective than mylar or simply painting your walls white, also it creates hot spots and can add to light burn and heat issues on your plants (don't use foil either). Other than that you are right on track, most of your questions will be answered by just looking through this site as your grow progresses and you have questions or concerns. Good luck with the rest of your adventure.


Well-Known Member
oh yeah and since you have the extra space I would personally use some side lighting it's pretty hard to over do lighting especially cfl's and you will get fuller denser buds lower on the plant if you use some supplemental lighting.


Active Member
thanks im starting the grow with a floresent tube light or shop uses to blubs eco bulbs i think at 4000illuminescent its the brightest i could find.


Active Member
theres 2 of them so 8000...i could get 3 more and line the walls with them is that a good idea there 4 foot long.


Well-Known Member
I would use cfl's if you are going to do side lighting, it is easier to concentrate the energy that you want where you need it, though this is by no means necessary your on the right track with that 400 watter. If you do have the flouros sitting around during flowering you might as well use them though. If I were you I would use organic nutes it is much harder to nute burn your plants just do some research to see which nutes are easiest for your purposes.


Well-Known Member
when they are little you need to do 24/0, then about a week or 2 later switch to 18/6 when vegging.


Well-Known Member
If your using a good quality soil and your gonna have em finish in big enough pots (3-5gal) you wont need nutes till well into flowering. Dont OVERNUTE


Active Member
okay i wont nute until i post pics il keep this page open and let ya guys no how it is. so i thought id go by 3 more set of shop lights crappy tire has a special 4 foots 12.99 and blubs are like 3 bucks..good by plus with the 400watter i should be good. please keep reading this and well if it she turns out good then il be happy...

um they in the pots i planted 6 and 4 more on the way they didnt have tails yet still gerimating so meh. shouldnt hurt anything being a few days behide.. i have marked all the cups there just in 4 by 4 by 4 containers and u guys said to move up once there about 6inch tall to 5/6 gallon pails is this correct i got a few 6inch pots here i could use...but i want his to work. i got ride of the thermo wrap and bought some maylar or whatever its on it way so i hope these buggers are going to be um i took the afternoon off il load some pics of my room up here in a min i gotta throw some more vapour wrap up...when i built the room

it was nothing big space so i framed then vapour wraped it all the sound inslulated cause the of the 400 and then drywalled.. trying to keep as much as i can in there. i was looking at the eno smell stuff right now my hepa filter is doing good but if it smells il make the fan idea that sits in a 5 gallon pail.

well im off to work on the room alittle more post pics here in a hour or so.


Active Member
sorry guys i got the pics but there to big and i dont no how to compress them...little help well anyways along the back wall im running 3 60 watt cfl's at 950 lums and te 2 on each side are 100 watters and there pumping out 1250 plus my 400watt it should be doing just fine.


Active Member
well guys since i get no damn answers from here..i have 1 more thought after i just mudded and taped the outside of my room today i noticed 2 more of my babys have popped threw the soil and are sitting about an inch tall question is should i still be using the stop light now that i got my cfl's all hooked up what ur answers on tht one? id love to show some pics but the files are to big and dont no how to shrink them.


Active Member
no one cares o well lol fine then no joint for u....anyone have a dog that loves to get high????mine wines for