SOS Look at this!!


Well-Known Member
August 15 - Day 22

Yesturday I decided to check the PH levels by making a slurry. The PH was a low 5.6 on average.

So, I decided to add some lime to the top of the soil. About 1.5 table spoons each (found at
I also put a bit of baking soda in the gallon for watering.
The PH of the runoff of the first watering was extremely high at ~8!!
I figured this must be from the powder from the lime because it was the first watering with the lime on top.

I decided to just give it a day to "balance" out. My theory was (hopefully) that the 5.6 PH of the soil and the 8 PH of the runoff would equal out to the middle around 6.8.


Today I opened the tent to look at my babies and there were ORANGE and RED SPOTS on a lot of the plants!! The TNT Kush is unaffected and is quickly becoming my favorite plant. Very resilient. The Big Bang 2s, however, are not liking something.

I took two slurry tests. Both from spotted plants. The ph was about 7.5.
I put a very very small splash of vinegar in a gallon of water and used that today to water.

Any experience/reasons to this? Is it a known thing for high PH? Or does it look like a few things...or bugs..?

Someone please help because they were doing fairly well I think for a first grow!!

Pics of spots:

On a positive note, I raised all plants but the TNT Kush to make a more even canopy!

Other Pics:

Please tell me my babies will be fine :-?:sad:

Also, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE view my journal @ for more pics and info! :-P Sub if you like :-P
Huge swings in PH are not good... pretty sure you only wanna change em a couple .0's per time. I think you just need a couple good flush's and hold off a a week er so and let em rebound. Not deathy ill so no need to freak
That's definitely a deficiency from your ph being too high. I would flush and get some ph down(not vinegar) and adjust to 6.5 and make sure your meter is calibrated. If you don't have a meter I would get one.
go to the petstore and find pH 6.5 buffer. its awesome. for fish tanks.
or 7.0 stuff if they dont have the 6.5 stuff.

otherwise, you need dolomitic lime mixed in with your dirt, but its kinda late for that now, much easier to mix in before you have plants growing in there.
yea in the meantime, flush, and dont add anything wierd. stick with a chemical buffer (the fish tank stuff) or an organic ph buffer. if you cant regulate pH with one of those, and stabalize it, i wouldnt do anything other then plain water, and light nutes.