

:shock:Please advise ASAP! Cute little packrats ate 3 plants last night. I cannot kill them, just can't. What can I safely spray young plants with to discourage them? Is a mesh enclosure essential? Thank you!!!!!!


I am a taoist and basically will not harm any living thing. I will certainly discourage them any way I can. We have no rodent born diseases here at this time. They are not as nasty as people think, at least in the country. I will not kill something because it is an inconvenience or may cost me money. Any ideas for discouraging their taste buds? Thanks.


I'd just kill them. Basically there isnt much else you can do. Rats eat anything. You could spray anything and they will eat it anyway. Dirty bastards haha


Well-Known Member
Find a really fine mesh metal screen, but thicker than window screen, thick like chicken wire. but make sure the holes are to small for them to get through. Then wrap your stems. Or find some NO-KILL traps. they make those you know. Some take batteries and close a door when motion is sensed. use peanut butter for bait. I've been involed in residential pest control since '92. Good luck.

Not to start shit with ya....... but, can you explain how it's ok to kill the pot plant to smoke, but not the rat who is eating the pot plant. Isn't the plant a living thing? or do you guys go by the animal rule?"


Well-Known Member
BTW! No matter where you live! RATS and MICE are filthy. they leave piss all along their trails, their eyesight kinda sux so, most navigation is done by smell and touch. Now, these dirty fucks run through their own piss and shit, then walk on your counters or worse get into food. they piss/shit everywhere! NO SUCH THING as a clean rat/mouse! Outside of a lab setting that is. Hanta virus is most prevelent in the rural areas outside Los Angeles. So saying that your safe because you live in the country doeasn't float. Also wasn't most of Midevil Europe, rural/country? Remember the plaugue? I know I'm being over the top. But, they are vial creatures! Not to mention most of the trouble species aren't even native to North America.