Sound like auto flower or just normal plant?


Hello I am very new to this and pouring in tons of research and so much passion and love its crazy. It is just like a life calling to me it feels like I seriously read forums youtube n pix over n over all day absorbing. I am attempting my first grow it is with 5$ put into it (+elec) only very simple basic but I feel will harvest a very nice portion for a rookie first grow!!!! She looks AMAZING so far day 10, while this is bag seed it aint... it was stored from my brother just from the "good mids" he was getting he says bomb I say mids ne way so im unsure what it really is and iv tried researching it further but im starting to think iv landed on a gold mine and Iv got a auto flower! since birth from the soil (its in merical grow auto feed mix being feed stored rain water from last week only, flushed till a small amount of about 1 2 ounces comes through bottom every 3 4 days when cup is light I know this is a mistake but it was b4 I researched much just got soil n put in seed researched 2 late :x) I have a 23 watt blue 7600k CFL and 3 warm 13 watt CLF on her for 18 on 6 off. Again id love all blue but I am going on no investment as much as I can and household lamps ect. I know soon to increase to a minimum of 100 watt made a 2x4 box frame and then posts each side going up and lined with cardboard lined with white paper half front side open other half being covered with insulfoam with reflective aluminum side in to lights. have had fan gently twirling on plant since day 2. its in a 16 ounce solo cup with a decent size hole put intot he bottom for drainage. My progress has yielded a very healthy looking stem all though by the soil even at day 10 its still got a purp stem... first start leafs still look beautiful green healthy n thick the first set of leafs are oval shaped bout 3 inches long 1 wide next set just surpassed those this morning with each side of the 2nd set of leafs having a additional looking leaf on each side of it (for 4) about 1/4 1 /5 the size of the first set of leafs in comparing first sets size. the 3rd set is spreading nice and about the same size as the additional 4 new leafs on each side of the 2nd set of true leafs. The reason I have stated all that info is bc atm I cant post a picture and now you get a feel of my situation you can debunk or add a little excitement n encourage my amature wonder. all 3 sets of those leafs are compact with very minimal room b4 the next set has started so its practicly 3 sets of leafs (4 if you count sprout set) that are withen id say 2 inches. Doesn't normal Jane stretch even if only 6 hours of dark by day 10? n have a decent amount of separation in leafs its small compact but getting big n super healthy looking leafs. I know ur expected less yield with auto but I would also like to LST branchs n max. With being new no ph tester or any gear id rather short fast yield a resilient breed until I get green thumb and know I can long term maintain... thoughts? Oh P.S 2nd of dec ill have ph kit n therm n a set of the right veg 76k spectrum only till 27 on flower, it may not be dead on but I think temp humidity and ph while of bc MGS seems be LOVING the conditions
Im sure it wouldnt kill you to put some pics! Welcome to RIU! bongsmilie
Didnt read the "I cant post pics at the moment"….. And I think you have a normal plant. I believe that if you want to be for sure you could switch to 12h light/ 12 dark period for a few days and see how she reacts to it, that way you will even determine sex. If she is auto she will not give a fuck about the change as her time is already set by here genes. If the plant starts showing signs and its not late you could just switch her back to here 18/6 and just keep on the vegetation. THIS is my opinion, would like to hear from others. Cheers!


NICE. tyvm for that helpful tip I might give it another day or 2! I will upload pix ASAP! just gotta get roomies phone later tonight ill aim for that and post! Another question Iv wanted to do but haven't been able find good talk about is mixing my Arizona sun when temps n light is correct n supplementing the rest of the 18 with cfl. I think I read one thing only n guy said possibly was stressfull?:X thans or advice again


Well-Known Member
I only read the first few words but yes I remember when I decided to grow, well I actually attempted to grow lol when I was about 12 and they all died after about 3 days because I thought the more trace elements (??) I poured into them the faster theyd grow, but anyway yeah its a great thing. I was on youtube all the time and stalking on here and googling shit for about 3 months before I even ordered a seed. Its exciting have fun.
NICE. tyvm for that helpful tip I might give it another day or 2! I will upload pix ASAP! just gotta get roomies phone later tonight ill aim for that and post! Another question Iv wanted to do but haven't been able find good talk about is mixing my Arizona sun when temps n light is correct n supplementing the rest of the 18 with cfl. I think I read one thing only n guy said possibly was stressfull?:X thans or advice again
If temps are right I would say go for it. Just keep in mind that if she is outside their are bug,smell,wind,climate issues so be sure to check her out.

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
NICE. tyvm for that helpful tip I might give it another day or 2! I will upload pix ASAP! just gotta get roomies phone later tonight ill aim for that and post! Another question Iv wanted to do but haven't been able find good talk about is mixing my Arizona sun when temps n light is correct n supplementing the rest of the 18 with cfl. I think I read one thing only n guy said possibly was stressfull?:X thans or advice again
mixing the sun and CFL/HPS can work but can also have issues. This spring I would put my young seedlings in the HPS room for several hours a day, then into the sunlight in the afternoon....I also did this with a matured plant and it did extremely well.

So anyhow, this fall, the young seedlings that had been in the HPS room were doing well but I got this bright idea to put them under the HPS to speed up the was disastrous, cooked the shit out of the top colas in under 3 days.

So, I believe it will do well with a constant mixture of the two light sources, but don't go overboard on the newly introduced source