Sour Diesel

I was a judge a 2001 Cannabis Cup and had NYC Diesel from Soma at his booth and it was by far the best weed I ever smoked. It tasted and smelled like ripe red grapefruits and made my mouth pucker because of the sourness. I came home with some seeds and planted them and although my pot was good and still tasted like diesel mine didn't even come close to what Soma smoked with me. It's a great plant but its a connoisseurs pot and hard to grow right and I would not recommend it for beginners. Also from my experiance with this (grew it for 4 yrs) to get the most out of the taste and smell and for that matter yield go organic with these because it is not nearly as good with chemical fert.
I was a judge a 2001 Cannabis Cup and had NYC Diesel from Soma at his booth and it was by far the best weed I ever smoked. It tasted and smelled like ripe red grapefruits and made my mouth pucker because of the sourness. I came home with some seeds and planted them and although my pot was good and still tasted like diesel mine didn't even come close to what Soma smoked with me. It's a great plant but its a connoisseurs pot and hard to grow right and I would not recommend it for beginners. Also from my experiance with this (grew it for 4 yrs) to get the most out of the taste and smell and for that matter yield go organic with these because it is not nearly as good with chemical fert.
First of all I know some of u people live and die organic, thats not me and it never will be me. This is just my opinion and u may have a problem with it. If u can handle being disagreed with please continue, if u cant then maybe u shouldn't read this.

U ever think that u couldn't get the great taste because u grow organic? In my experience, organic grown weed has a funny aftertaste, even after a ten day flush. Not to mention during that ten days, my plant put on twice as much bud weight as the guy flushing... The organic nutes are made up of shit, rotten food, and dead animals, how can that taste better? lol
I'm not tryong to start something here, but I will never grow organic unless a scientist comes on here and shows me proof that it tastes better and grows better. I go by repeatable results, and not by what people think sounds better. I already ran a "chemical" nutrient grow against "organic" and the results were more than enough for me to say that organic growers are at a huge disadvantage against chemical growers. To each his own though. My advice to everyone is to try them both before u make your decision. U might be suprised.
I've just had different experiences than you CustomHydro. I'm not against chem. fert. and have used them on plants and gotten great results with them for instance My sweettooth did much better with chem. fert. than it did with organic fert. because it could handle it. What Im saying is I don't think sour diesel/nyc diesel can handle it or at least this is my experiance. Its a real finicky eater like someone who is lactose intolerent. I think both chem and organic have their place and we as growers just need to figure out what strain prefers what. :peace:
my $.02
i keep a lemon pheno WW and when i grow it organic.. it taste great, but the buds arent as compact and they start to grow 'fingers', less yield of course
with full line of FF nutes and ferts, the buds plump and when i started adding "cha-ching" the smell and the taste were even more prominent.
if i dont at least flush for a week after using that shit the bud is RUINED, the smell is there but the taste is just metallic, harsh, dirt...
ive smoked sour d a few times before and it was good, but a couple months ago my buddy brought over some sour d that was fucking DANK, it was crystally as fuck, tasted awesome, and the high didnt dissapoint one bit :)
Definitely one of the most unique smelling and tasting strains in my opinion. My friend grew it all organic up in the northeast part of the states. Got colas pushing 18g dried weight. But even better was the Deathstar (G-13 fem x Sensi Star male) it was a knock out kinda toke. We would only hit a bing if the deathstar was on the tv... so of course we had to only watch starwars for a day... resulting in a total loss of memory and all the loot in my wallet for munchies as well as napping the day away. The Lemon G was also ridiculous, tasted like you were eating lemon heads, no shit. The grower was part of the group that came up with Biesel (Super Silver Haze X Great White Shark X Sour Diesel) not too sure on the strain itself heard it was insane but never got to taste test it. Also not sure about the missing links of lineage.

Peace & Love
i smoke the best sour dee , and it was from cali ... it was total10 / 10 ... flavor and potency ,long lasting and fucking enjoible good times , i was so fucking high. we got it from sum biker dudes... them weelhipies allways got sum great smoke. nycd , i guess thats what i gotten in jersy and florida... last year got sum from sum young kids from cali at a bar in massachusets it was fucking good ... i never realy smoke nycd , mostly bcus they wont call it that way . dealers knw that we know , and by we i meant weed comsiming experts ... sour , u got that sour , mmmmmm i could smell it out the dealer pocket if it is sour dee , i guess nycd is the imitation i got a few times bfore that looks great and tastes ok but no long lasting creazy high ... my Opinon sour deisel is the best , Phillies are the best , put it all togetter and help us releasse sum extress...and if its sour then by more then an ounce...
SD... was created it ny and was originaly goin to be name mid night oil... sum brothr created it at home , it was to cough lock but then he fix it and change the name ... high times mag from last year, i think i still have it ... is been out around for years so i think its original genetics may have alter...i dont have the mag any more but i remember. mid night oil was wat leroid was going to name... i guess west coast grows better sour dee now... shame...........
somas nyc is not what u want u want reefs or resvoir i obtain some from a qp 15 beans got 5 left holla germination 3 days im in my 5th week of veg also have o.g. kush #4 orange kush beans and pure golden haze
for all you noobs. I havent seen anyone mention this yet but ,this thread seems appropriate. At seed boutique Rez released chemdog d x sour diesel IBL. JUMP ON IT !!!...noobs:weed:
Here's the deal. East Coast Sour Diesel clone is excellent, Sour Diesel and NYC Diesel are completely different in every aspect, Reefermans Sour Diesel is a Sour Diesel/Kush cross, and Resevoir's Sour Diesel IBL looks good tastes good but most pheno's lack in potency and his IBL line is know for hermaphroditic problems. Go with Head Band or ECSD clone if you can get them otherwise your just paying way too much for a name. NYC Diesel is also good if you find the right pheno.