SourPatchSeeds USA

when I had my dilemma with SPSB. I contacted the breeder. Breeder gave me a number to call to take up my issue with. direct contact.

Casper was the name-o

googled it and it is greenlife seeds.

enough god damn lies. for reals if yore not on payroll you should be. u only post about them
Sir, Ive tried to be nice to you, you make it near impossible though. I spoke w Jay today, the quote from above comes DIRECTLY from Jay @ Sour Patch via text message.

I am a seeker of truth, that is why I dont let your misinformation stand. While I was chatting about your statements that you made, I also ordered:

PNWRoots: Abula
Unknown Prophet : Mary Chino, and Tripple Dubble...Jay tossed in FREE 10 seed pack of PNWRoots : Die Hard (free pack w every PNW buy) And FREE 10 seed pack Greenlife : SilverHawks (free with every purchase).

I will post pics of these as soon as they arrive. Also, I suppose you think all my 238 Posts and 346 Likes were all derived from SPSB posts...also False.

Finally, I wonder if a SPSB representative would say:

Bodhi: Buy 2 packs get 1 pack free @ :

James Bean Co
headiegardens (IG)

Take care, Elvis.
The way i see it...sometimes we just need to listen to peoples advice even if its a stranger, listening and just hearing is different. And sometimes strangers helped you more than relatives. And you might just be surprised how some people you met here might helped you, just be smart and listen to urself what other people are saying, that is if u are used to people youll know what i mean. Im grateful that @bigworm6969 has given me a chance to trust me and let my try some of hes fire even though i just met him here. That is why we have forums in the first place. (If ur use to people you can smell bullshit a mile away) so far so good, o came across to only goodnpeople around here. So peace everyone
The way i see it...sometimes we just need to listen to peoples advice even if its a stranger, listening and just hearing is different. And sometimes strangers helped you more than relatives. And you might just be surprised how some people you met here helped you, just be smart and listen to urself what other people are saying, that is if u are used to people youll know what i mean. Im grateful that @bigworm6969 has given me a chance to trust me and let my try some of hes fire even though i just met him here. That is why we have forums in the first place.
Well said, Amen brotha, preach!
and i could screen shot the reply i got from breeder showing jay and kasper as the contact info.

he might not be owner, but he is directly involved. Im done with this. it all smells fishy. tread with caution and triple check in stock is all my intention was. not to shut down their sales completely

peace out
and i could screen shot the reply i got from breeder showing jay and kasper as the contact info.

he might not be owner, but he is directly involved. Im done with this. it all smells fishy. tread with caution and triple check in stock is all my intention was. not to shut down their sales completely

peace out
Alryt bro peace out, ill take ur word for it and put that in consideration. Either way man theres way tons of breeders and seedbanks that we may all enjoy and trust our money.
If I'm not mistaken but Melvanetics said on her IG that Jay was the only person who owns sour patch seeds. This is when she posted that she was sending 20 more packs of her buckeye purple to him. My only thing is is that breeders should be more cautious of who they sale their stock to to resale. Because if a farmer is in search of their beans and said breeder state's that they can be found at a site, the breeders rep is on the line. That's just how I feel. Breeders should hold seed banks and individuals more accountable to selling their beans with good service.
Possible you were hitting him at old email? New email is [email protected] . Or call at 480-489-8053. Take Care. Address for payment is on his front page if you scroll over to second banner at top...

Sorry I didn't make It very clear when I typed that. He had responded to my first email not to any other. Thanks for letting me know where the address was. I may just give him a call.
@bigworm6969 is growing their purple people eater and it looks impressive, their cookie critters looks nice as well

thats whatsup!. it looks like there was another breeder with that name a few years back that wasnt reliable so i got temporarily confused. shitty when somone in the past ruins a name for future breeders/ teams. glad to know these people are legit though