SourPatchSeeds USA

just ask the moderator. dual accounts are not allowed....
What up, bro? Nice to see ya around again! I hope that yours and mine discussion about Bodhi over at IHG thread hasn't caused any ill will b/w us and I hope you are balln! Take care.
i only contacted Ocean Grown after a week of not hearing back from you. AFTER couple weeks of promises.

and yes you did announce drop on instagram. why announce a drop for 3 packs?

In checkout I asked to confirm inventory. you responded all set. I sent priority next morning.

you could have said 2 packs left!!

it was your fault I was pissed. and then you say make an alternative choice!

its your fault we are still at it. in the end I got my pack, cuz you were wrong in the first place. The hostility and anger comes from months of anticipating ALien Rift, getting the all set from you... then being told make another choice... nobody fucks with my money.

and drop the stoner shit. youre making bank. youre a damn businessman.

quit typing like for realz.

you wanna overcome this????

take alien rift off of available list.
I cant speak to SPSB's IG account cuz I dont follow him on IG, but I know that he took that down and refreshed his inventory list quite a while back on his website...
and for anyone who cares, I was told to pound sand for a month. until I got a hold of breeder. they got on their case and then they made it right. was told to make alternative choice until then. should have never happened in first place when you ask proper questions and mail immediately like I did.
Nobody told anyone to pound sand. I told you I was trying to locate another pack of your preferred strain, which I did but it didn't happen overnight. You did what you did and most people don't read the entire rant and rave about the eventuality they read the title and maybe one or 2 comments. Most people have a life to attend to and do the have time to read every chime in of 2 cents.

I write alot because I have alot to say out of knowledge. Everything I promised you came true did it not brother? If a seed bank drops with me and gives me 3 packs of 1 strain 20 of another 10 of another and 8 of another how do you suggest I advertise it? Should I advertise my entire stock list and how many packs I have publicly? Look all over roll it up, IC mag, instagram, the farm or wherever else and the only person who has ever complained about me or the service I provide is you sir.

I pose another question. If say I had never had the alien rift would you even have had the chance to grow it? I would just like to say your welcome for providing you with exactly what you wanted even though it was not according to your preferred time schedule.

What you did was prematurely was a rash post defiling my character publicly on an open forum within 1 week of learning that you didn't get your way right away but instead might have to wait a short time.

I would appreciate it if you would remove this entire conversation and post as you own it and the rights to remove it if you were so inclined which it would seem that you are since you claim that this post has caused you so much bs and backlash in the community it would behoove you to do just that, for your own peace and quiet.

I do happen to carry alot of rare and limited genetics and have to deal with people who want to that special one almost every day.

If I was a scammere or a dirt bag there would be alot more Posts about me doing dirty shit all over every forum. Sad part is still this is the only one and you waited a month, which is about how long it used to take everyone who ordered seeds ever before us usa banks started to pop up.

Ps no one fucked with your money and also it was only $150 I wouldn't really call that money. That's a dinner at a decent restaurant, two tickets to a show, less than half my phone bill. If I was a dirt bag I'd have to be the dumbest dirt bag on planet earth to take your 150 when I have thousands of customers worldwide and I'm gonna screw you over on that small sum of money. It's insulting to even be accused of such a petty crime.

150$ shit that's one person 7 course w/ me. no wine. no drink. no tips. dont be cheap when u trying to get in on some skins. she def wants dessert too. even if im a steak/frites (never say fries) type o guy.
big time 084.jpg
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150$ shit that's one person 7 course w/ me. no wine. no drink. no tips. dont be cheap when u trying to get in on some skins. she def wants dessert too. even if im a steak/frites (never say fries) type o guy.
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I know brother. That's a decent meal ala cart lol no sides or 2 specials lol I prefer a nice ribeye steak medium rareseasoned with only salt and pepper with a good red wine Bleu cheese mashed potatoes and cheesecake for dessert. Bang 300 before the tip. Special occasions these days anyways unless I cook it at home which I like better most of the time anyways. I do cook up some bangin steaks bro. Better than most steakhouses imo
pin (device to poke small holes) & brine them. u can make all types of brine. smash some garlic. etc. sugar. salt. both. trust a pro. and i hit u off some bordeaux wine sauce , beurre rouge, or even a cherry infused demi glace. what u like? we'll smoke large after work ;-) puffing midnight fire from nor'star as i type. fuego. wanna do some steak sous vide (cryovac & put in hot water hour mad hours certain temp though) then finish on the grill. tender tender tender !!! never tried this but my instinct says must do.
pin (device to poke small holes) & brine them. u can make all types of brine. smash some garlic. etc. sugar. salt. both. trust a pro. and i hit u off some bordeaux wine sauce , beurre rouge, or even a cherry infused demi glace. what u like? we'll smoke large after work ;-) puffing midnight fire from nor'star as i type. fuego. wanna do some steak sous vide (cryovac & put in hot water hour mad hours certain temp though) then finish on the grill. tender tender tender !!! never tried this but my instinct says must do.

damn , you're making me hungry mucha, and i just ate..
pin (device to poke small holes) & brine them. u can make all types of brine. smash some garlic. etc. sugar. salt. both. trust a pro. and i hit u off some bordeaux wine sauce , beurre rouge, or even a cherry infused demi glace. what u like? we'll smoke large after work ;-) puffing midnight fire from nor'star as i type. fuego. wanna do some steak sous vide (cryovac & put in hot water hour mad hours certain temp though) then finish on the grill. tender tender tender !!! never tried this but my instinct says must do.
Hell yes bro sounds awesome. I should be getting norstar soon and rumor has it, dirty water organics told someone I had a drop coming sometime really soon
Velvet ended up getting the seeds he initially ordered??
Yes he did. I had to jump through a few hoops and got a buddy to dip into his personal stash with great resistance but I got him his pack. He started this thread not 7 days from the date I contacted him about a possible replacement. In all Honesty if I was trying to do something dirty I could very easily just sent him anything else from the same breeder and told him "sorry bro this is how mail order works everywhere bro" but I went out of my way to find him what he had hoped for and wanted so bad. After all that and he got that thing that meant the world to him. I never got a thank you or any gratitude. I don't expect it but if it's that big a deal to a person you would think they might shoot me a "thank you" or at least "got it". Also if I was into swapping packs regularly don't you think there would be more than 1 post or at least a number of people who joined in to say that they had the same experience? Just food for thought.
you should watch it, not bad...but it beats me why anyone would use wayne grove as an avatar, he is a bad ass...but not in a cool way...but my avatar?...well riding a nuke has gotta be the ultimate blast?
I dont actually like the character in the movie at all...but I think that shot of him in that particular scene looks uber creepy...and that is the look I was hoping to achieve :twisted:
I had no idea...i only deal wd jay at sourpatch, i thought hes the owner. and just talk to kasper on instagram, Was suppose getting 3 diff strains but was turned-off wd rediculous shipping charges of 50usd. sourpatch charged me 25usd with no tracking, TDT wd tracking for 25, seedshere 25usd wd tracking, csbseeds (connosiuer seed bank) for 12usd with free jaws genetics tshirt

Edited: i dont think ill be getting any greenlifeseeds for now anyways. But thanks thats really gud to know
Wait whoa what the fuck!!!! I AM JAY FROST AND I OWN SOUR PATCH SEED BANK. I OWN OPERATE AND DO EVERY SINGLE THING AT THIS SHOP WITH NO HELP FROM ANYONE. KASPER IS A BREEDER THAT I CARRY ON MY SITE. HE DOES NOT WORK FOR ME AND DEFINATELY DOES NOT OWN EVEN THE SMALLEST BIT OF MY COMPANY. WHO EVER TOLD YOU THIS IS A BOLD FACED LIAR. FLAT OUT BRO. I BUILT THIS BIZ BY MYSELF, GOT ROBBED BY MY EX GIRLFRIEND AND INVESTOR IN ONE WEEKEND WHEN @karalovewest420 stole a sizable amount of money from me and then attempted to blackmail my partner with I'll take whatever I want from your grow house or I'll call the cops obviously resulting in some violent outburst. She left after being man handled by him and then called the cops and filed a report. She then continued to threaten the police on him and threatened to sell out sour patch as well if I didn't help her. My partner being in fear for his freedom uprooted the entire house and garden 20k watts and stole everything.

The fact that anyone said Kasper of greenlife seeds owns my company and that I'm just his boy is ludacris and I have no idea where that came from
when I had my dilemma with SPSB. I contacted the breeder. Breeder gave me a number to call to take up my issue with. direct contact.

Casper was the name-o

googled it and it is greenlife seeds.

enough god damn lies. for reals if yore not on payroll you should be. u only post about them
Kasper was friends with ocean grown that's all it was. He knew them and I didn't. They put you in touch with their contact. Kasper does not have any stake in SPSB whatsoever. Jay Frost is the owner and the only employee.
I thought of that too aswell...since kasper told me to buy directly from him on ig when i asked when will new drops from sourpatch. I follow him on IG and i dont see kasper advertise or even hashtagging sourpatch for any matter at all. Im new to IG so im still figuring out that shit works
That's crazy bro. I thought he was the homie but really he is trying to poach my customers by telling them to buy from him direct. Damn bro. People these days are scando
What is good, my brotha? Figured I would just clarify, that talk by dude before about Kasper owning SPSB is FALSE.

This from Jay @ SPSB:
"I am the sole owner and operator of sour patch seed bank. Kasper is a breeder I work with that I am also friends with. There is no person that works in this company other than me."

He was correct that they are friends, but Kasper the Organic Mechanic = Greenlife Seeds, not SPSB. Take care.
Thano you bro for posting my text message so the truth would be out there. Not sure why all the speculation