SourPatchSeeds USA

Wait whoa what the fuck!!!! I AM JAY FROST AND I OWN SOUR PATCH SEED BANK. I OWN OPERATE AND DO EVERY SINGLE THING AT THIS SHOP WITH NO HELP FROM ANYONE. KASPER IS A BREEDER THAT I CARRY ON MY SITE. HE DOES NOT WORK FOR ME AND DEFINATELY DOES NOT OWN EVEN THE SMALLEST BIT OF MY COMPANY. WHO EVER TOLD YOU THIS IS A BOLD FACED LIAR. FLAT OUT BRO. I BUILT THIS BIZ BY MYSELF, GOT ROBBED BY MY EX GIRLFRIEND AND INVESTOR IN ONE WEEKEND WHEN @karalovewest420 stole a sizable amount of money from me and then attempted to blackmail my partner with I'll take whatever I want from your grow house or I'll call the cops obviously resulting in some violent outburst. She left after being man handled by him and then called the cops and filed a report. She then continued to threaten the police on him and threatened to sell out sour patch as well if I didn't help her. My partner being in fear for his freedom uprooted the entire house and garden 20k watts and stole everything.

The fact that anyone said Kasper of greenlife seeds owns my company and that I'm just his boy is ludacris and I have no idea where that came from
Hey man...whats up, weldcome to RIU. Wow, i havent log in for awhile, not sure what just happened here. Upon reading half of the dilemma, i would really suggest customers to call jay from sourpatch before placing an order like what i have been suggesting and what i did for my order to go smoothly, and what ForRealz told me in the first place. Ive placed international call many times just to make sure all will be better. In fairness to greenlife, i was following them at IG and asked if they are droping those seeds to you, and they just offered that i can go buy directly. So im not really sure what kind of arrangement you guys have, but i hope that wont affect your relationship wd them. And no it wasnt me who said that greenlife and sourpatch is the same owner, if you can browse on earlier post i just replied since i dont want to mention any names and make these more harder to move on. *hint* (your yours truly) That is why i posted my conversation wd greenlife to make a point that sourpatch and greenlife is not the same company/owner.
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Hey man...whats up, weldcome to RIU. Wow, i havent log in for awhile, not sure what just happened here. Upon reading half of the dilemma, i would really suggest customers to call jay from sourpatch before placing an order like what i have been suggesting and what i did for my order to go smoothly, and what ForRealz told me in the first place. Ive placed international call many times just to make sure all will be better. In fairness to greenlife, i was following them at IG and asked if they are droping those seeds to you, and they just offered that i can go buy directly. So im not really sure what kind of arrangement you guys have, but i hope that wont affect your relationship wd them. And no it wasnt me who said that greenlife and sourpatch is the same owner, if you can browse on earlier post i just replied since i dont want to mention any names and make these more harder to move on. That is why i posted my conversation wd greenlife to make a point that sourpatch and greenlife is not the same company/owner
Hey brother. All is well. Just in truth that's not very honest or cool to be selling his seeds at half the rate he has me sell them at don't you agree. Why would I even attempt to pay for and carry seeds to sell hem at double the price he sells them for directly. That's what greenpoint does and it's dirty. Undercut your distributors and sell direct to the public. What company does that and sells their product for wholesale to customers purchasing 1 unit when a distributor is paying The same price for 100+ units. What's the damn point? No possibility for profit in he slightest actally it would cost me for shipping lol who does that and stays in business. Rediculous. Have a great day brother.
Hey man...whats up, weldcome to RIU. Wow, i havent log in for awhile, not sure what just happened here. Upon reading half of the dilemma, i would really suggest customers to call jay from sourpatch before placing an order like what i have been suggesting and what i did for my order to go smoothly, and what ForRealz told me in the first place. Ive placed international call many times just to make sure all will be better. In fairness to greenlife, i was following them at IG and asked if they are droping those seeds to you, and they just offered that i can go buy directly. So im not really sure what kind of arrangement you guys have, but i hope that wont affect your relationship wd them. And no it wasnt me who said that greenlife and sourpatch is the same owner, if you can browse on earlier post i just replied since i dont want to mention any names and make these more harder to move on. *hint* (your yours truly) That is why i posted my conversation wd greenlife to make a point that sourpatch and greenlife is not the same company/owner.
I noticed it was velvet elvis the dude with the issue over no issue.
Hey brother. All is well. Just in truth that's not very honest or cool to be selling his seeds at half the rate he has me sell them at don't you agree. Why would I even attempt to pay for and carry seeds to sell hem at double the price he sells them for directly. That's what greenpoint does and it's dirty. Undercut your distributors and sell direct to the public. What company does that and sells their product for wholesale to customers purchasing 1 unit when a distributor is paying The same price for 100+ units. What's the damn point? No possibility for profit in he slightest actally it would cost me for shipping lol who does that and stays in business. Rediculous. Have a great day brother.
Totally agreed, just in case i did not made that up and threw in some screen shots of our conversation. And i did not intend to ruin ur relationship wd them since i did not even know you will be poppin up here at riu, also i posted that since one of the members here was makin an accusation that greenlife and sourpatch has the same owner, to make a sense. I mean, it doesnt really matter to me. As long as at the end of the day we all good.
Oh no sir I have my own paypal these days. Please email me or text me and I will get you the new payment option info.
Ima borrow some paypal again to my friend. Since im outside US it would take awhile for my cash to arrive. Noy sure if u remembered me. I was callin u anytime of the day. Thanks for the patience bro, will keep in touch
There are so many new seed breeders/companies that one really needs to be careful - glad there were so many posts about this company - without sites like this no one will know who/what to trust . All folks whom order seeds put their "trust" in that specific company and is very bad (to say the least) if they get screwed by the place they order from.
There are so many new seed breeders/companies that one really needs to be careful - glad there were so many posts about this company - without sites like this no one will know who/what to trust . All folks whom order seeds put their "trust" in that specific company and is very bad (to say the least) if they get screwed by the place they order from.
Greetings farmer's. I remember when this topic came up. Again I will say this when people assume what they don't know they end up looking like an ass. Not sure how many pages back but like I said before if you want good customer service and fast delivery than sour patch is the place to get your beans.
Obsoul33t is not just a breeder o my label he is also a friend and we have had many personal convos about his issue. Here it is all layed out directly.

First Orange Cookies release was F1 Stock, the second was an F1 Orange Cookies male to make the f2 which is what was released everywhere it was released in 2015. There was only a small release of orange cookie f1 back a couple years back but that is what he used to make the 2015 version. They were produced in a greenhouse and tested there as well which would explain some possible hermie issues (nanners not males and female parts altogether) I have a buddy who did 130 orange cookie f2 seeds and found 4 hermies. Thats pretty good i must say. My buddy also runs a very high tech and well put together grow operation with no environmental issues at all. I cant say the same about the majority of grow houses out there as i have seen my fair share of folks who garden at night with green lights as a normal thing to do.

I think this is bullshit, he released a cross it came out kill used the hype that was built up from the original recipe, then when it came time to drop to the public he changes the recipe. If they are F2's they should be labeled as such, this kind of behavior reminds me of Alien. I have my suspicious about who Alien really was, and things like this move right here only justify my thoughts more. I think that is corporate capitalism at it's finest, the only problem is we as a community can not support this type of behavior, or we will soon be no better then any. I think he needs to come out and say what you just said, not just talk about it behind the peoples backs who are spending there money on it. I don't know I just always had the thought to stay aways from his gear, now it looks like I was right all along.
I think this is bullshit, he released a cross it came out kill used the hype that was built up from the original recipe, then when it came time to drop to the public he changes the recipe. If they are F2's they should be labeled as such, this kind of behavior reminds me of Alien. I have my suspicious about who Alien really was, and things like this move right here only justify my thoughts more. I think that is corporate capitalism at it's finest, the only problem is we as a community can not support this type of behavior, or we will soon be no better then any. I think he needs to come out and say what you just said, not just talk about it behind the peoples backs who are spending there money on it. I don't know I just always had the thought to stay aways from his gear, now it looks like I was right all along.

Do you have Any franchise Gear? before you make such comments?

How can you have an opinion on quality if gear, if you have never had any?

Alien went through the same bs from people that couldn't afford his gear and seems the same as Soulie.

Buy a pack! Its that simple and then come back and put out there.
I think this is bullshit, he released a cross it came out kill used the hype that was built up from the original recipe, then when it came time to drop to the public he changes the recipe. If they are F2's they should be labeled as such, this kind of behavior reminds me of Alien. I have my suspicious about who Alien really was, and things like this move right here only justify my thoughts more. I think that is corporate capitalism at it's finest, the only problem is we as a community can not support this type of behavior, or we will soon be no better then any. I think he needs to come out and say what you just said, not just talk about it behind the peoples backs who are spending there money on it. I don't know I just always had the thought to stay aways from his gear, now it looks like I was right all along.

i feel it for sure
Do you have Any franchise Gear? before you make such comments?

How can you have an opinion on quality if gear, if you have never had any?

Alien went through the same bs from people that couldn't afford his gear and seems the same as Soulie.

Buy a pack! Its that simple and then come back and put out there.

To each his own…
You go buy a pack!