South Carolina policeman charged with murder

On Ashleigh Banfield earlier, they were showing the video and running it in slo mo. You can see what looks to be taser lines running to the deceased, and what looks to be the guy knocking the taser from the cops hands. They put a shadow box over both.

So far, what I can make of this situation, is this:

Scott is pulled over for a broken light, and they end up in a scuffle, with at one point both of them being on the ground with Scott trying to get away, and the officer trying to arrest him(according to witness that filmed the shooting). Now they are up, the officer has fired his taser,connected, but it doesn't take, and then is knocked away from him by the about to be running Scott. The video begins as Scott knocks the taser from the cops hands and starts running, possibly to avoid going to jail for being behind on child support payments(info from Scott's parents).

This is just all so weird. How did the cop lose control of Scott? How did they get over to that area where they were scuffling? This should be an interesting trial. This guy looks like he used excessive force. I wouldn't be one bit surprised if he is found guilty.

Edit for source:
Look up post and courier.Com it's the local paper with all the Info. The cop and black guy from what I gather some what knew each other with the coast guard I believe. Also the incident happened between remount and rivers ave
"Authorities" ? Interesting word isn't it?

Their institution itself is based in the idea that some people (authorities) can use force to control other people that haven't used force against them. I reject that.

so let me see if i have this straight.

suppose you, robroy, pay a child for sex.

you did not use force against the authorities, so you would reject them coming to arrest you after they found out that you paid small children for sex?

is that about correct?
His attorney is Andy savage. And Andy savage is a savage he gets everyone off everything he is probably the top lawyers in sc..
MSNBC had an expert on from John Jay College this a.m. Said he wasn't aware this sort of thing went on. SOME EXPERT!!! Decent article. I can't say exact street name but my ex gf lived in crow field plantations. ... I believe it was planters trace A few years ago.
I lived on Marietta St.. Spent all my time in the swamp. Could Bicycle to the Goose Creek dam.Really wild back then. There was a small community at end of dam, no electric, no road, get there only by walking across the dam, a long way.
what happened to the lapel cams on every cop they were talking about?

That and and a mandatory kill switch/remote controlled testicle crusher should be standard issue police gear
No wonder cops don't want "citizens" video taping them in action. Somehow, they don't come across as the heros that "Law and Order" makes them out to be.

Yeah, the cops are portrayed so wonderfully good in 90% of all TV shows and in many movies as well.

And remember than damned show "Cops"? It made the cops look like fucking heroes.

I used to respect cops in general. But I don't any more.