Kentucky is not a med state ? and why is better quality weed not grown there ? Great prices you get by the way. Pre Cali gold rush prices.
No TWS, Kentucky isn't a medical state. We have just recently passed a bill for industrial hemp and it has yet to be implemented because their working out how to regulate and how to determine whom can farm it.
Seems that here in Kentucky change comes much slower, I see my state becoming a medical state within the next 20 yrs or so but many other things have to happen first like no more Mitch Mcconnel for one and a whole lot more of people like Ran Paul...
The quality Marijuana is slowly taking it's place here but it seems to be taking it's time because people are taking a long fucking time realising that better quality weed will cost more but it will last you a whole lot longer and it will help you a whole lot more. After these guys out here that are getting an OZ of HomeGrown for $100 and they smoke it up as fast as they can roll it, Also their bodies get immune to it really quick. Soon as they smoke some of the quality herb they see that it's worth the extra cost, The older generation are even slowly starting to use it as medicine instead of these very addictive opiates and benzodiazepines.
So what is taking place is the smokers and self medicating people are becoming connoisseurs of high quality medication and I'm just the man for he job.LOL
The rest of the country is so ahead of Kentucky but everyone that likes the good herb is watching and listening. They want the good smoke too...
What Kentucky needs is advocates with loud voices and clean slates, We need NORML and the like...
Moral of the story is Kentucky is lagging behind but we are getting there, Slowly but surely we will get in line with the rest of The United States of America!