I might be able to get you a switchable mag for like forty fifty bux or I can possibly point u to someplace u can find one. As for seeds not yet things are starting to happen but not that fast yet lol. Anything else hit bghydro in Pasadena or alternative hydroponics on Colorado. Alternative is the shit I go there. Just don't tell em your a patient lol or you'll get the stink eye we don't serve you bye bye lol. But that's standard hydro store lol. Other than that awesome prices and all u need is a six inch inline, carbon filter, panda film, pots, soil, t5 rig for mothers or some CFls lol. Go to home depot an 8 ft 2x3 is 1.50 you can build a skeleton to wrap your panda around and bam u got a cab. Run your flanges ducting and shit throw in your light bare bulb vert, or with a bert bulb reflector. it's winter so heat will be a non issue for now. Even with a 400 as long as you can keep ambient room temps around your cab to about 80-85 you will have no problem keeping your cab cool with a six inch fan. You wanna get super sick the absolute best way to vent your cab since your just getting started and not runnin co2 yet, build an air floor. Say u want a 3x3x5 cab make your enclosure 3x3x6 and put a floor in 1ft up off the ground. Drill lots of holes make sure it's still structurally sound. What this will do is since you have made your exhaust at the top of the cab it pulls cool air up towards your bulb and moves ALL the hot air away from your canopy. I don't even run a circulating fan. Just a 270cfm fan for a 3x3x6 box and if u just barely crack the panda and look in u can see the leaves movin like mad. You can pretty much get everything you need to get started for under 100$ except for the cost of the bulb for your rig, fan, and carbon filter which for me was optional. That's where the $ comes into play. Soils like 17$, ballast anywhere from 10-50$, wood 25, screws 5, pots 10, that's nothin. So for under 300$ u can be pullin over half packs

not bad I'd say
Oh, wAtchin the news says temple city was hardest hit area we still have people without power here lol holy shit i thought it was fixed already. I knew it was bad here but didn't know it was that bad