Southern California Patients


Active Member
Hey guys, I chill in the rollitup chat all day and night, Im always there. So are several other Cali growers, you can chat with the live chat link at the top of the page, or by getting yourself an irc client and going to .

A word of caution, dont go in there and immediately ask a question, they hate that and will not answer you, the room is more for chilling, and discussing plants, and if youve been there longer than 10 mins, im sure theyll answer a question for you.(Lots of noobs see the live chat link and pop in and immediately say "HOW CAN I TELL MY PLANT IS FEMALE?" You know how noobs are. Just come in, be chill, talk with me and the others, and see how you like it.

The chat is great, or else I wouldnt spend any time Im on the computer in there. Please come join us.


Active Member
Lol what, youve got company or something? Its always boring around here, Im married and dont know anyone, and disabled, so Im mostly at the house. ;(


Well-Known Member
Jeff I am sorry man I just don't do the chat things too busy watering plants and mixing nutes and listening to music.............tws said he was gonna come by, but who knows