Southern California Patients


Active Member
Well apparently everyone in this thread personally knows each other lol. Do you all live really close to each other or something?

Also, 323cheezy, I just realized what your avatar was, and all I have to say is "NEEEXXXXTTT TIME GADGET, NEEEXXXXTT TIME!"


Hi ...I'm O.G. toker. And my strain of choice any heavy o.g. also into certain bubbas and if I'm doing hybrids it has to be heavy ....don't get me wrong sativas (the right ones ) smoke bomb too but I reside in the inland empire ....and I love mary been going study with that girl for ovver 20 years and counting.....

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
haha i got hay to match with LOL $ tight lol bulbs ballast and mycos and soil owned me this month lol my friend grew my bubba colas they comn down soon but im not sure how he did with em yet


Well-Known Member
Hahahaha I am in the middle of no where, but you knnow you are more than welcome to hang if you can get here hahahahaha!!!!!


Active Member
Anyone have a full indica strain with a downright debilitating high? If so I wouldnt mind getting a cut from you. Lemme know.


Well-Known Member
yea I got work at 4 till 8:30

So hit me up, I keep hearing about all that fire you have, I gotta try it. Hopefully I can aquire some smoke as well before then. and maybe I can try to swoop kaptain kron up too ahah, I hate being immoblie, but i love my freinds that drive ahah

oh shit!
was i suppose to hit u up?
i was waiting for yar call.... but passed out.. the offers still on the table....

sour tahoe.... that shit cray


Well-Known Member
Little Super sour Og in a 3 gallon DWC bucket. 5.8 ph 930 TDS

If this works for me cause I know it works for others, outside of a chiller I don't see the reason or cost for soil. I'm likeing it now as it's been to short of time to kill it yet. LOL Might not be likeing it later. :lol:



Well-Known Member
If I'm home I will surley attend. I know the high desert area pretty good out behind the house where one wouldn't be bothered.