SouthernWeed's First at RIU. Violator Kush/H&G Nutrients


Well-Known Member
I finally figured out how to filter the HPS lighting, and with the shading effect enabled to shade dark all the open space around the bud, it's really close. It's still not exactly right, the buds have much more red in them than it appears in the picture, but I'll be ramping the resolution up now that I know how to properly use the macro mode on this first DLSR, which has nearly drove me nuts figuring out. Guess there's a reason professional photographers charge an arm and a leg.

The pic...

Everything else is going along just as it should. The VK are munching away on it's own leaves in addition to the heavy feed load they are getting, swelling up fast and hard.

Hope y'all had a great weekend.


Well-Known Member
Guys, I'm sorry, but this site just doesn't do it for much nonsense, trollery and discord, not to mention how annoying it is to try and do a decent update. Couple this with a growing security concern and it all equals to much. I'm done here, and if the Admins have any curiousity, it's their refusal to pull down a very unpopular, very suspicious app, that noone wanted or asked for that sent me packing.

Good luck y'all, I'm out.
Wutup looking great, I was curious about the same as the other threads what Have to be used with aqua flakes not to make it optimal but what's necessary I'm looking into it if I could get the line i would but don't have the money, is there just 1-2 additives plus base that can do a good job excluding roots its 90$ a small bottle until I have money all Over the place I can't afford this and I'll never have that kinda money anty time soon thanks for any input, how do u pm on here? I'm brand new only 2nd post ive read thousands but just started asking my own ?s hope they are welcomed I'm a total noob