I saw the episode and later heard someone mention it on the radio and he made a good point. Jesus and Budha are portrayed doing stupid shit all the time and they pick on Jews too but you don't see Christians running around knifing people over it or budhists cutting peoples heads off....or no home invaisions by mormons...and hell, even the jews have the same rule that you can't have statues, even of moses because they are idols....which is why Christians disagree with Catholics wearing a cross with Christ attached, not to mention if He was still on the cross He would have been useless as far as a sacrifice goes, it was in His ressurection that He took the keys to hell and death....but my point is that fundamentally Jews and many Christians believe the same thing, yet they don't get violent or too bent out of shape....and Budha was snorting lines of coke....and no mass monk murders....so I think it is obvious that we all can clearly see what the problem is, the Koran and its Islamofascist counterparts jihadostreamists, since the Quaran or koran says you cannot be friends with nonIslamics, merely kill them, enslave them or convert them....and it is the only direct guarantee of heaven is to die in an act of jihad killing infidels, which the often have made infidel synonymous with Christians and /or Americans, so in other wards, dying in an extreme act of violence towards innocent people will be rewarded by virgins in heaven? And people think Christians are out of the minds....course they can just live their life jihad-free but then they will be judged on the scale of life and if 50.1% good then they are heavenbound!
I find it interesting that Christian prayer groups aren't even allowed to take place after school or before school on school property, yet the koran is taught in some public schools and muslim students are give 3 prayer times daily to go do their thing....that is friggen BS IMO....but islamofascism will probably combine with Roman Catholicism over the next hundred years or so and become the one world religion fortold in the Bible...it would be very easy to reconcile the two...