Edgar Cayce got his information from the akashic records a data base that holds all the information of the past, present and unfolding futures.their is no such thing as time as we know it our perception of time is an invention of man. yes their are aliens that have an intrest in us we might even be relitives of the aliens their decendants. they might have influences on energy wich could affect time
yeah i think Casey was the real deal. everythings electricity and the planets spin like a generator and the sun is burning fuel and were concentrated energy so are plants and anamals and we never die just change form our energy is disperced and recycledEdgar Cayce got his information from the akashic records a data base that holds all the information of the past, present and unfolding futures.
He said ultimately when you view it from the highest demension there is no time no space. Time is all occuring in one facinating moment of expression.
But time is an illusion that has purpose.
Evolution baby, 1 yard at a time!!This was over a year ago.
Sorry its "Fox News"it was the first link that came up.
Scientists have come a bit closer to achieving the "Star Trek" feat of teleportation.
No one is galaxy-hopping, or even beaming people around, but for the first time, information has been teleported between two separate atoms across a distance of a meter about a yard.
I must say I hope what you are saying isn't correct. At least the way I interpreted it, I don't want to be dispersed and recycled. I wan't the energy force (soul) running this organic computer to move to power some other organic computer and pray some way I can retain my memories.yeah i think Casey was the real deal. everythings electricity and the planets spin like a generator and the sun is burning fuel and were concentrated energy so are plants and anamals and we never die just change form our energy is disperced and recycled