Space Case Grinder


Active Member
So tell me, how amazing is the Space Case?

I looked at the space case medium size today and thought that looked awesome. How much more kief do you really get from this thing? Is it everything it is cracked up to be? It hass a lifetime warranty, titanium coating... daaaaaaaamn.

Happy Smoking


Well-Known Member
I dunno if mine's a space case or not, but it's identical (except green) to the one in your link. And, I'm loving it, 2 years and no broken teeth, catch is nice, and (except when the bud's really sticky) it doesn't gum up or have any problems.


Well-Known Member
I cannot realy speak to the spacecase 4 piece grinder as my grinder with a keif catcher is a different brand. However, I do have a smaller two piece grinder from spacecase and it is great. very durable, awesome for travel and can really take a beating. As far as I can tell they make a quality product..was actually just thinking about upgrading my SC myself, so I will be monitoring this thread ;) There are plenty of brands that seem to be right on par with spacecase but I love what I have now and am interested in sticking with the name


Virtually Unknown Member
I recently started vaping and just had the plastic grinder that Pax sent me. This sounds like what I want. Thanks guys!


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I have a medium Space Case grinder and am quite pleased with it. However I got a cheapie plastic orange one that came with my Volcano that works just as well. The only problem I have with both grinders is my filings usually stick to the teeth. I keep a brush around to clear the teeth.


Well-Known Member
I have a medium Space Case grinder and am quite pleased with it. However I got a cheapie plastic orange one that came with my Volcano that works just as well. The only problem I have with both grinders is my filings usually stick to the teeth. I keep a brush around to clear the teeth.

That's one of those good problems.

Mine's about 3.5" in diameter. I just take the top two pieces and plunk it in alcohol for a while. Alcohol makes aluminum look great BTW. It fits perfectly in the type of containers used to delivery soup from Thai restaurants and you can reuse the alcohol (put a lid on it.) I rarely bother with the screen and lower tray (which has about 3/16 of kief in it - well, just a little less now, cough).

Never heard of this Titanium coating though. Yeah, love space case. I always had the feel that it was one or two skilled machinists who smoked a lot of pot, saw an opportunity, bought some CNC milling machines and got to work. Almost nothing better in the world than a skilled machinist that gets high.


Well-Known Member
I've got the titanium 4 piece space case and its awesome. It really does seem like I get way more keif than with my previous grinder.. Its indestructible too, thing stays sharp as day one. It really is worth the extra cash (get it on ebay cheapest).

Two tips though..

It will eventually get clogged/sticky like any grinder so like unclebaldrick said, rubbing alcohol will literally make it brand new again. Just soak it for a minute, its crazy how well it works.

And also put a quarter or nickel in the collection area.. this helps the trichomes get through the screen and you will notice much more keif doing this.


Active Member
Thanks guys I am glad to hear all the great talk on the space case!! I gotta remember the alcohol tip, if you're gonna spend that much on a grinder, it had better be clean!

this one also comes with a Cali press.... One reviewer said it worked good, even more of a reason to look into it.®-SCT-4-CCP/dp/B007ILGR38/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_S_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=2NBAHS3LSK96H&coliid=I1F60MUWWB6OQD

The medium one I have been looking at is 2.5 in diameter, you got the big boy unclebaldrick! And thanks for the penny idea and other input Nameless!


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys I am glad to hear all the great talk on the space case!! I gotta remember the alcohol tip, if you're gonna spend that much on a grinder, it had better be clean!

this one also comes with a Cali press.... One reviewer said it worked good, even more of a reason to look into it.®-SCT-4-CCP/dp/B007ILGR38/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_S_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=2NBAHS3LSK96H&coliid=I1F60MUWWB6OQD

The medium one I have been looking at is 2.5 in diameter, you got the big boy unclebaldrick! And thanks for the penny idea and other input Nameless!
could have sworn that there was a larger one back then. Probably discontinued (big chunk of Al). Looked it up, glad they don't gouge for the Ti. Not really sure what they mean when they say the Ti makes it fit better. They would know better than I. Could easily see it give a better finish.


Active Member
Yea I definitely like that black finish to it. I bet there is an XL out there somewhere!! that would be an insane desktop grinder, lol pry 4.5 in diameter. Anyways yea a lot of money, but if I never buy another grinder again I would be happy. Lifetime warranty is a plus!


Well-Known Member
The screen broke out of my space case years ago and with bho and other hash ive had no need to replace it. Still my everyday grinder tho. Stays sharp and rarely gums up. In fact I cant recall having ever cleaned it.


Active Member
Maybe you should try Space Case for their warranty :D Make us all believers in it! Brand new grinder... who can argue with that right!?


Well-Known Member
I dont know if I even have the broken piece anymore or if I would even need it. Ill email the company in the morning and see what comes of it.

Edit......went ahead and emailed them since im still awake. Ill report back when I hear something.


Well-Known Member
I have a titanium crank grinder that has literally ground about 2 kg of material over the years and does not look like it will stop grinding anytime soon.


Well-Known Member
I dont have a space case a have a sharpstone brands and it works damn good. I used to have mulitples. 1 for schwag, mids(good schwag) and nugs when I was was younger but now i have just 1


Active Member
Thanks for the input guys I really appreciate it, @Jimmy, Damnit that sucks! I was really hoping to hear something! Hmmm makes me wonder about their customer service. Maybe they aren't at work till Monday ;)


Ursus marijanus
could have sworn that there was a larger one back then. Probably discontinued (big chunk of Al). Looked it up, glad they don't gouge for the Ti. Not really sure what they mean when they say the Ti makes it fit better. They would know better than I. Could easily see it give a better finish.
I suspect the Titanium is just the black anodized finish. I believe the substrate is the usual aluminum. Machining actual titanium is very expensive; the stuff does injuriews to tooling and requires very specialized (iodinated iirc) cutting fluids.