Sure, why not throw a Vulcan on there as well...

It's not like he is going to have a three way love affair and drive around the southeast in a diaper!
The astronaut and the diaper: a sordid tale
Published Thursday, February 8, 2007
What do NASA astronauts do between missions? Until this week, I might have guessed modestly: training, book work, perhaps some checkers. Seedy love triangles and diaper-clad interstate
crime sprees were fairly near the bottom of the list.
No more.
On Monday, astronaut Lisa Marie Nowak was arrested at the Orlando airport and charged with attempted kidnapping. Supposedly Nowak, who is married with three children, was enmeshed in a romantic struggle with space shuttle pilot William Oefelein and another NASA employee. Nowak apparently sought to confront this third party, Air Force Capt. Colleen Shipman, to discuss their competing relationships with the pilot. She accomplished this by driving 900 miles from Houston to Orlando — wearing a diaper so as to avoid rest stops — before donning a wig and trench coat to assault Ms. Shipman with pepper spray in a parking lot. That move earned her the kidnapping arrest, although when police found the air pistol, buck knife, latex gloves, rubber tubing and garbage bags Nowak had brought along, the charge was upped to attempted murder in the first degree. That’s no laughing matter.
The diaper, though, is.