Spaced out calyxes


Active Member
This plant is pretty stretched; lots of space between nodes. It's been about 4 weeks flowering, so it's going pretty slow. It's also tall, about 55 inches, so that might be contributing to the slowness.

Here are pictures of the top and one of the branches. I'm a little confused about the structure of buds. Do more than two calyxes grow out the top of a node? So far I'm only seeing one calyx growing on each side of a node.

It looks like it will produce pretty airy buds, but can I expect something a little more dense than what I'm seeing?




Well-Known Member
They look like they have been flowering for a week or 2. They are sativas? if so they will bud real slow. You may have 8 weeks to go. Ya can tell shit yet as far as yield.


Active Member
Ok I will try to be more patient.

The leaves are narrow like a sativa; the exact origins of the seed are unknown.

What I'm wondering is: the calyxes shown in the pictures, will more calyxes grow right beside them or does the density of a bud come from the density of nodes?


Active Member
Here it is in its full glory. Also some of the older pistils are turning red. I know the pot is too small, but it's too late now.



Well-Known Member
you would yeild more form 2 clones under those cfls than that whole plant, not to mention how much better the bud would be


Well-Known Member
definately a sativa. if it was an indica it would have been short and bushy. this is long and spaced out. its a sativa. sativas take about 15 weeks to fully develope. i think its its 1st week of flowering. you have 14 more weeks to go :)