Speaker Box-Super Stealth


Active Member
Hi i just made this super stealth speaker box a few days ago. it seems to be doing great and really stealthy. This plant was first started growing indoors last may then moved outside all summer and now back inside to flower. its been threw a long strong life so far.

let me know what you think



Well-Known Member
Wow that is an old plant... I would take cuttings and flower the clones and let that live as a mother plant.


Well-Known Member
now thats stealth, +1 props. you will be ok with just 2 lights, YOU MUST MYLAR or emergency blanket the inside wall of that too for max light. keep us posted!


Active Member
Sorry it took so long but here is an update of my speaker box super stealth grow!!!!
Not sure what day it is i am not really keeping track. I dont have a light timer yet but hopefully in the next couple days i will. As of now its sorta lights on today lights off today and run like 24 on 24 off instead of 12 on 12 off but its all good sorta still flowering and getting bud sites and have 3 nice ones and one small one.

Pictures arnt the best because of my camera but check them out they turned out decent.

Thanks for checking back!!! All coments appreciated



Well-Known Member
You should have started more seeds man! It took you all that time and effort just for an eighth... seems like a waste to me idk. I like the speaker box though, you should start a few more seeds and get started on a new grow. Good luck

Tom :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Speaker boxes make great places for mothers!

Glad to see you got something from that plant.:leaf:


Active Member
I would have leakage of light from the black fabric cover but i had a piece of cardboard that velcrowed over the big hole then put the black cover over that and it worked perfect


Active Member
It worked decent for the time being when i was fucking around with growing. But now i got a pretty legit rubbermaid grow box set up with 2-28gallon rubbermaids and 6 cfls and fans and light timer and shit. hopefully going to get some auto flowering seeds and try to grow a couple oz's in it.