speaker micro gro..


Active Member
hey people I've been lurking around here for a wail and decided to show my ghetto setup. its an old sony woofer that blew out with way too much techno. haha anyways i gutted it and created it into a grow box. i wanted it to be completely stealth because my roommates dont even know i smoke=(.

dimensions = 14h,12,12
ventilation =120mm comp fan,80mm comp fan*2, both run on 4.5volts.
soil=1 part organic worm castings, 1part vermiculite, 1 part expert organic walmart soil shit.
light=26w daylight for veg, still not sure what im going to use for flower.

i have 3 badseeds germed and just planted them in 9oz party cups for now.

ps. pic were talking with webcam.. its all i got but its all good right?



Active Member
a question i have is i was going to get some perlite to mix in with my soil but all i can find is miracle grow perlite and its enriched with nutrients. So i was wondering if anyone has used this perlite with no problems with ph fluctuation and nut. deficiencies.


Active Member
In regards to nute. deficiences, the plant will let you know what it needs and what it has enough of, read the plant problems sticky lad


Active Member
In regards to nute. deficiences, the plant will let you know what it needs and what it has enough of, read the plant problems sticky lad
i know man i just like to think a little bit ahead so i wont have problems in the future you know? i guess its always best to learn from one's mistakes than others. like they say.


Active Member
Bro thats a great idea.you could even put mini processor fans into the box if its ported. A few friends of mine have have good results with pre-nuted perlite. shop around dude, you will find some great stuff if you keep at it. Good luck with the grow. Check out my grow https://www.rollitup.org/cfl-growing/169557-first-cfl-grow-piako-poison.html for some diff. ideas on doing ur grow
haha ya i taped up the port in the back. it was my old intake but it was too close to my exhaust so i moved my intake to the front.



Well-Known Member
if you want it stealthy i would suggest putting somthing on the otehr side of that speakers mesh, get a cheap peace of wood or somthing


Active Member
if you want it stealthy i would suggest putting somthing on the otehr side of that speakers mesh, get a cheap peace of wood or somthing
the first two pics in my last post should explain that. i put that board on before the mesh. works like a charm and acts as my intake.


Active Member
oh and so people know I've had two successful grows out of this box;first time got 6 grams dry second i got a little over a half o. both with different setups.