Spear head


Well-Known Member
Ill get pic when lights are on. Im almost cerrain its male. Qas looki ng foreward to the pineapple chunk too


Well-Known Member
Ive seen all female preflowers and never pnce a male, its befpre it starts shooting our balls I hope dont want the rest to pollenaite. Even tho that would give me 3 different crosses.

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
I think of it as a Lobster claw,but to make sure I wait.Clustering of Lob claws with no white hairs sticking out indicates to me it is a male.


Well-Known Member
Im just parinoid lol dont want to be a grandpa here. lmao. Ill try and draw a pic or something. But it looks like the ball is raised and is sitting on a raised thing with a ball or spear head comin out the top. Like it is the very first few days kts a male does it look like that? Every pic I seen is basically full blown male with sacs open and atuff. Never seen one be fore it gpt out of control.