Speed driing?


Active Member
Is it a good idea to speed up the process and how would you go about doing it.. Im not talking about the oven trick but anything faster then just air driing? And how does it effect the final product? Thanks in advance peeps!bongsmiliebongsmilie
Not speaking from xp cause I haven't harvested my first crop yet, but it would seem to me that any form of speed drying is going to make them dry unevenly. Also think it would be way harder to start curing at the exact right time.
It is always better to dry slowly, It is possible I have dried in two days using fans directly on the bud but it will require a much longer cure time to even out the moisture within the bud. I believe that it actually takes longer to get what I would call a cured smokable product by quick drying
Thanks Dank, thats what I was looking for..Ill just have to wait. My patiant is being inpatiant and well I gues hell be the one loosing out if he dont wait...Thanks again
"Speed Drying" is an Oxymoron...

I know you've been waiting 12 weeks... then once it's dry, the cure time...
F that, you want to sample now...
Do not do this...
If you must...
Micro wave on 40% power
in a micro wave safe tupperware type bowl [6-10"]
put folded paper towel with bud in middle on top
now take another paper Towel wet it, slighty, fold over top of your bowl
put lid loose on top
set timmer for 20 seconds at 40%
touch test... all microwaves are different...
do 20 seconds at 40% until dry
Depends how many times with how wet your MJ is...
Do not burn....do not set Micro to 20 minutes by accident
Do not complain if you f up your pot...
I warn you against this...
However, I did this last week for test of new bud...
Good Luck...
Do not speed dry your pot, it will not taste good at all.
It will get you high as a kite if you get it right, but the true flavors come out after a decent curing.
I live in a dry climate in the fastest ever ever seen anything drying cure is about 12 to 14 days.
You can take it off the vine after it gets a crispy and smoke it right then and it will taste great, but your best to let it cure.
Do not microwave your weed, it melts the resin glands because they get too hot and it is a waste.
If you are just wanting to dry a sample take a few buds and place it in a brown paper bag and place on top of your ballast or any other warm heat source. The warmth dries the bud and the brown paper bag soaks up the moisture quickly. Bud will be nice and dry within 24hrs, it will taste bad without a cure though.
Maybe this is over simplifying things, but, low humidity. At 35% humidity you can be smoking in 3 days.

I try to answer questions and not preach, but really, I'm with some previous posters. The difference between 3 and 6 days is huge.
If your smoking really dank weed, you can pop it in the microwave 4 days after you chop it. And it's still going to taste pretty good.

I microwave all the time, no matter how long the pot has been cureing. I can't get high off of wet pot, and it doesn't vap/ignite well unless it's really dry.
ahhh, put it in a jar or glass,cover it with saran wrap or use a plastic lid. put it in the microwave, power level 2 for 3 minutes dump it out let dry a few minutes, repeat with a dry container, after two or three times it will be just right. it comes out about 80% as good as slow cured and tastes good. this method is also helpful to find the right time to harvest, as I went for amber, it helped Me realize that I was wasting 2 weeks and it was WAY better with cloudy/spermy colored instead. I believe every strain and method has a different perfect point for harvest.. this is My 1st post lol, try drying it this way and share, took Me 36 yrs to figure this out
I won't hesitate in resorting to the nuker to make cheese. It actually turns out real commercial grade and tastes right. But even the hash has to set out for a week before the cure is finished.
The longer u take to dry the better the product will be that being hanging is really the best way the way to speed it up is no matter what u should Bhangra upside down for atleast3-5 days than after to speed up the CURING process go to your local market and pickup sum zip lock bags the ones with the vacuum pump n u can pump the air out it takes 100% less with not that much difference in quality of result that being said I would still take the time ushouldnt rush especially after all the work u have already put it just my 2 cents
Do not speed dry your pot, it will not taste good at all.
It will get you high as a kite if you get it right, but the true flavors come out after a decent curing.
I live in a dry climate in the fastest ever ever seen anything drying cure is about 12 to 14 days.
You can take it off the vine after it gets a crispy and smoke it right then and it will taste great, but your best to let it cure.
Do not microwave your weed, it melts the resin glands because they get too hot and it is a waste.

This can not be stressed enough.. if you rush the dry and cure, it'll take like shit compared to the awesome/smooth smoke you will have with the proper time and method put into it. Do not take shortcuts, or all of your work will be in vain.
The longer u take to dry the better the product will be that being hanging is really the best way the way to speed it up is no matter what u should Bhangra upside down for atleast3-5 days than after to speed up the CURING process go to your local market and pickup sum zip lock bags the ones with the vacuum pump n u can pump the air out it takes 100% less with not that much difference in quality of result that being said I would still take the time ushouldnt rush especially after all the work u have already put it just my 2 cents

Until/unless there's no form of moisture/humidity left (of which there would be), you'd be on the fast track to moldy bud. As much as I am not generally harsh with my critiques, I'd put this in the category of what not to do for any reason whatsoever.
i put my volcano on a low setting like 140/150, and leave it on with some nug in there.. it dries it out nice. then i crumble it and turn it up to vaping temps ~320
i put my volcano on a low setting like 140/150, and leave it on with some nug in there.. it dries it out nice. then i crumble it and turn it up to vaping temps ~320

This if you have a vape. Microwave is the best method imo. Like someone else said if you have dank it wont smoke/taste that bad.
If you try to accelerate natural drying, your going to have shitty smoke no matter what! microwaves? seriously whoever does this, is very uneducated don't do that!
The longer u take to dry the better the product will be that being hanging is really the best way the way to speed it up is no matter what u should Bhangra upside down for atleast3-5 days than after to speed up the CURING process go to your local market and pickup sum zip lock bags the ones with the vacuum pump n u can pump the air out it takes 100% less with not that much difference in quality of result that being said I would still take the time ushouldnt rush especially after all the work u have already put it just my 2 cents
should have stoped after your first sentence, since that is the only good advice in this paragraph.