speed dry.


Active Member
I know its not what a lot of people strive for on this site but have just done a cash crop and chopped yesterday. Want it gone at the weekend and the money in. Would appreciate any tips for a faster dry. This is all about money, smoke is good and Needs to be done. Bills to pay ect...Santa coming...........
lots of fans. Your bud is gonna smell like hay but fans blowing directly on it will driy even the largest pieces in a few days.
Im confused is it all about money or time? You say its about money but then say its about time as if you speed dry and no cure you basically drop the value and quality of the end product so you loose about half the money in other words. Before anyone can help is it about the money or just your time as both mean different answers.
both. Need the money , got 3 kids dude. Christmas doesn't come cheap in my house. Would like a perfect dry and cure , but tell the kids that when there sitting with an apple and a orange on christmas day with a bowl of cerial for dinner. If i had thousands in the bank i wouldn't want the crop speed dried.
Ok so its mostly about time and whatever money you can get for the lower grade budds and not getting the most for your grow. I would say lay out on a windows screen with a dehumidifier in the room. Check every few hours keep lights off small fan just moving air around buds not right on. Wait til buds feel dry and almsot solid dont let get crunchy. Should be able to do in 2-3 days depends on location and humidity. Then into jars open twice a day for 15 minutes at least week if you want the most basic cure....as said the quality will be way down the smell may be that of wet grass of hey and the smoke will be rough so price will be fraction of that done right for sure. Good luck with it.
Speed kills, and in the arena of MJ, it also means less money for the effort. If the stuff smells like crap, gonna bring in crap money, if any. If you do and it smells like hay, don't tell anyone it is the good shit and maybe get 50 a zip, just no win there m8, you have enough time before Christmas to do a semi-decent cure and up your profits at the same time....jmo


Thats what am after, perfect. Dont get me wrong, this is good weed. realise that will reduce potency and smell ect. but am English ,still illegal over here and dry were i live , so fast dried or not will still get £180.00 an oz. My personal keepy back will get treated better. Thanks for replies. Got an air con unit and was considering putting it on low.
This thread makes no sense. OP says he's in it for the money but then he says he wants a speed dry, which basically equals a shite result.

If you want to ruin the weed, then sure, do a speed dry.
If you want some money for the weed, don't ruin it.
Christmas is not about giving your money to the jews. Hang the whole plant, slow dry for two weeks and make some quality bud, but take some first for yourself for xmas.
