Speed Haze x2, 600w DWC stealth grow.


Active Member
This is my first grow. So.. here we go. Feel free to comment along the way.


3oz or more. cured dried and ready to smoke by January 15th. healthy plants. and to learn as much as i can.

The room:

2.5 x 3 x 9
600w MH/HPS
22 gallon tote wraped in trash bags, (does wonders for light and res temp)
x2 10" net pots
Air Pump with 3 large air stones
4 inch air intake
6 inch exhaust with filter

The Plants:

2 Speed haze clones, transplanted from soil to dwc. They were about 4" tall when i got them, they'll have been in veg for 4 weeks as of tomorrow and are currently, 18" tall and 24" wide. i will be switching to 12/12 tomorrow.

Nutrients and Variables:

Tap Water, 200 ppm, have been fallowing Fox Farm nutrient schedule with their trio, but will be switching to GH trio tomorrow when i change the res. (every sunday). so far they seem to love the current strength (around 1050 ppm and holding throughout the week). Room temps stay right at a steady 86-88* during the day and 68-72* at night, humidity between 33-55%. Res temps are anywhere from always around 65, never above 72 and never below 56 (using 1 gallon frozen jug changes 2x a day). Ph stays between 5.5 and 6.5.



Active Member
Not too sure to be honest. Got me off a buddy. He just chopped his down today, he only had one and he just threw it in soil and let it go, no topping no nothing. So I'll have to see what his is when it dries.


Active Member

-switched to 12/12
-switched from MH bulb to HPS bulb
-changed/cleaned rez
-ph is 6.0
- switched from fox farm organic to GH trio (ppm is roughly the same between FF schedule and the GH trio)
-1200 ppm, (200 water, 1000 nutes)
- cleared a few old dead leaves around the bottom.
-each plant is roughly 24' wide and 19" tall

Plants seem pretty happy, roots are are exploding along with new growth up top.



Active Member
10/28- day 2 of 12/12

Dropped my res temperature meter in the rez.. after a bag of rice it works fine.. rez temp held at 69.5 while it was drying out.

-slight leaf curl and lighter green color in the newest growth.. not sure what the deal is? possibly a slightly high ph? adjusted this morning down to 5.9 from 6.8.. will check again before i go to bed. but they do look a little better now.

-ppm is around 1100, if it continues to rise by tomorrow night ill drain a couple gallons and replace with water.
-debating on weather i should buy some cal mag, another pump and some more airstones.. a little shy on cash right now though.


Active Member
10/30- day 4 of 12/12

-PPM rose a bit to around 1300 so i topped off with water and its now 1100 with a ph of 6.0 still.
-everythings stretching its ass off, the limbs are getting thicker by the day, they're now touching all 4 walls of my room and are 22" tall.
-steady root growth
-pistils have already started showing
-rooms getting noticeably warmer but they dont seem to mind, the claw is gone and they are all laying perfect. lights 15" above the canopy.



Active Member
11/3- day 8 of 12/12

-Changed Res

-Before Change, 870 ppm, 6.1 ph, GH's intro to bloom. 2-2-2
-After Change, 1200ppm, 5.7 ph, GH's blooming and ripening. 1-2-3

-Plants are 26" tall, and the canopy touches all four walls of the room. everything is looking really healthy, few more pistils showing.
-Going to make a new lid so i dont have to lift her in and out for the bottle changes anymore.
-I've been keeping the lights (600w) about 12 inch above the canopy.
-res temps are staying lower for longer, i can usually get by with one ice change in 24 hours. stays in the high 60's.
-will be keeping a close eye for nute burn with new schedule..
-they're putting on an inch a day, and drinking around 2-3 gallons of water a day.

I don't think anyone is actually fallowing but if you are, chime in. lol.


Active Member
11/5- Day 10 of 12/12

-this is begging to get a bit ridiculous. they're now 32" tall.. and getting the front one in and out once a day for ppm, ph and ice change is already getting to be too much.
-i count 12 main colas with a lot of smaller stuff below
-and have a pretty even, stuffed canopy measuring 36"x30"

think i'm going to have to make a new lid out of plywood and drill a softball size hole for ice and testing.. i also prolly wont be able to scrub and drain the tub to the degree that i want anymore. *pray for healthy roots*..

additions in a few weeks...

-another air pump and 3 more large airstones (6 total)
-new lid for easier access to testing/ice changes.


Active Member
11/12- day 17 of 12/12

Everythings looking decent I think (minus a little burn on 2 fan leaves from the HPS.. buds have started showing and are everywhere. i might throw pics up in a bit.


Active Member
11/17- day 22 of 12/12

-Nutrient change today. 1300 total PPM, ph 5.7. they're tall as hell and have filled the closet completely, i have somewhere between 4-6 week left im assuming and i only have around 18" oh height left before im completely out of room and will hae to weight them down.. they are just shy of 5' tall. i've actually really burned the hell out of two of the colas but i think they'll come back. buds everywhere.

-18 watt air pump with 4 airstones total will be installed sometime this week.



Active Member
seems no one was reading so i stopped updating for awhile.. but..

day 42 of 12/12.

-not sure when i should start checking the trichomes? the absolute latest i could pull would be jan 15.
-ppms are running at half strength now, water temp never above 69 anymore, ph always 5.7-6.1

heres 2 shots, flash on and flash off right after the light shut off last night.

someone please... COMMENT and leave me some feadback!. thanks.




Well-Known Member
nice job man , but you shouldnt have stopped posting progress pics just cause you thought people werent looking . just keep posting away and be very detailed with pics , strains , scents , weird things about the plants, and any other small things details you want to share . people like to see grows from start to finish , at every stage of the [plants life so they can reference it possibly when they are growing the same strain. also ,people generally dont like to congratulate or comment till they see people are nearing the end. good luck with the rest of your grow ;-)
She is looking very good. Nice buds and healthy looking plants. My uneducated guess would be that you will go right up to your Jan 15 cutoff. Don't know about speed haze but they look like they several more weeks. I would start to look at the trichs at about 60 days. Even if they are not completely ready by the 15th I'm sure the final product will be top notch. That will be 80+ days of flower so that should be plenty of time. Keep on with the updates. I want to know how things progress.


Active Member
Thank you all for the kind words and compliments... the bio on speed haze claims 8-10 weeks "short flowering period for a sativa/haze strain", i was guessing around jan. 5 which would be 70 days. also wanting to do a 10-14 day flush.

First run so i've just kept it simple.. i'm very curious as to how much ill end up pulling.. but.. as long as its killer, it doesnt really matter. :)
I am starting to doubt that a flush is really needed. I used to do it most of the time but when I did not I could not tell a difference in the final products. If you have it in your mind to do it then go ahead and do it. Some people like the idea of feeding right up until chop time. I just feel it might be a waste of time if you are on a limited schedule. I do keep my ppm pretty low so that may be why I feel I don't need to flush. If the breeder says 8-10 weeks you should be ok. Start checking the trichs at 8wks then every 3-5 days after that. Remember that if you are wanting to flush for 10-14 days you need to start flushing when you see mostly cloudy trichs and nearly zero amber. They will come in that 14 days. Since this is your first time with this strain your timing will be off so allow for that.