Speeding up maturation!!


Well-Known Member
If I changed my light cycle from 12/12 to say 13 dark or 14 dark and corresponding light hrs.Would being left in the dark longer speed up maturation?I read somewhere that trichs on some strains don't turn amber at all.What info would someone have on that topic Thanks a bunch.Showgirl


Well-Known Member
Hey in the past i have had problems getting my tricks to go amber and finish.
What I found that by cutting my light back to 10 hrs and 14 dark and opening the window and getting the temp. down to about 65 while dark and stopping all nutes.
They turned amber and finished fast.

past times

Well-Known Member
i think the oposite is true also. meaning if you have light on for say 13 hours a day then it slows down the maturation, but increases yield


Well-Known Member
Well I'll have some for Xmas.Merry xmas to me.I'm going to smoke the Xmas tree hehe Showgirl:wink:

past times

Well-Known Member
lucky, i just ran out of my last grow and didn't plan well this time around. about to start my flower here in a few days so i ma going to miss the holliday season...at least smoking my own stuff any way.

good luck to you and if you have any more questions fire away