SpicySativa's Organic Garden


Well-Known Member
Seriously... I wanted to build a new bed frame, but first I needed to build a workbench. So that meant rearranging the basement... Then I decided to upgrade my setup, and the clock was ticking with my Vortex seedlings. It was shit or get off the pot time, as they say. Either go all out, tear down my old flower cab and build a new one before 10 seedlings outgrow a 2x4 T5 cabinet, or wait out a whole extra cycle in my old 4x4 cab... SOOO glad I'm making it happen!!!

But now another clock is ticking... We pick up our new mattress next weekend and I haven't even started on the frame...


Well-Known Member
Updated time. The new cabinet is functional! We had to get a little ghetto with the panda film at the end, since there was no time for painting (and we were tired), but it'll get me through this round. Then I'll paint it, etc.

Pic includes 10 happy Vortex on day 22 since sprout. A couple are already starting to show micro-sized preflowers. :)



Well-Known Member
new cab, new plants look good - best wishes on your grow!
I got an Apollo 13 bx going now, closest I got to vortex.
You still going to mainline?


Well-Known Member
Thanks, MrWood. Yes, I'll be mainlining. They'll get their first topping within a day or so. Just trying to let the males show their junk and get tossed before I get too involved in the training.

Right now they're sitting under 400 watts of MH. As soon as they start crowding each other under the single 400 I'll spread them out and fire up the second 400. I'll finish out most of the veg period that way, maybe even do 2x600 watt MH's for the last week of veg and first week of 12/12. Then it's 2x600 HPS to the finish line. :)


Well-Known Member
Stepping up the wattage as the plants grow is a great way to shrink the electrical bill. Blasting these youngsters with 1,200 watts of light would just be wasteful; they'll be just fine under 400 for now.


Well-Known Member
what are the dimensions of your 10 gal plastic pots? I'm trying to see what I can fit in a 5x5 veg room.. I use 7 gal smart pots.. very wide.. I may down grade to 5 gal to fit more plants... but not sure.. I want to upgrade in size in the flower room... I don't want to veg in small pots the whole time..


Well-Known Member
Hyroot- My 10-gal pots are 15.5" diameter at the top. So you could fit 9 (3x3) no problem.
sweet. I have one veg thats a 5x5 and another thats a 3x3. I'm just trying to split up 16 plants among them but still be able to veg big plants.. Not have to keep vegging for another 2 weeks when they go into the flower room.

also thats 16 provided they are all female. all seeds this time... all tga


Well-Known Member
No fem seeds from TGA, but I've always gotten at least 7/10 fems from TGA seeds (dumb luck maybe...).

Those two cabs should handle 13 total in 10-gal pots. Close to 16 anyway...


Well-Known Member
Alright! It's time to pick some seeds to run after my Vortex. I'll be coming off two rounds of sativa, so it's time to re-up my indica head stash. Something I can smoke in the evening when I just want to mellow out before bed. Hopefully something that will calm my back pain and help me sleep through the night.

Yield is not a top priority, but always a bonus.

So what's your favorite indica?

I've got access to TGA, Gage Green, and Cali Connection not far from my house, or I can order from Attitude.



Well-Known Member
You mentioned back pain well for my knee pain and pains i been loving my bc blueberry. Bc depots cut. Im.in the opposite situation as you, I'm happy with my indices but have 1 saliva left, blue dream, what would you recommend spicy, I trust your word, your shit looks like fire and I read your comments and agree to the fullest.


Well-Known Member
P's they yielded me 3 oz each and we're very poorly trained as was 1st round. My 2nd looks a lot better even w battling some mites.


Well-Known Member
Mmmm... I do love me some Blueberry. My first indoor grow was a single Blue Cheese clone grown under CFLs, and that stuff was delicious.

As for sativas, I'm a sucker for the lemony/piney Jack-like varieties. XJ-13 (Northern California clone only) and Jack the Ripper are two favs. Space Queen was really nice, too, but only slightly sativa dominant. TGA Chernobyl was ridiculously frosty and tasty, but yielded pretty low in my garden. Pandoras Box was the speediest, most heart-racing sativa I've ever smoked.


Well-Known Member
Man I was something racy, I need a wake and bake. I'm not big on lemony strains just don't dig the flavor. I like a more fruity weed. I been thinking of maybe trying tangie but it's almost like girl scout cookies as it's hard to get a good seed.


Well-Known Member
Thanks! XJ-13 is supposed to be Jack Herer crossed with G-13. I've never grown either parent, but it smells and tastes a lot like Jack.


Well-Known Member
When I checked on the garden last night (day 24), 9/10 youngsters had rather definitively displayed their junk. Six are 99.99% sure female, three 99.999999% sure male, and one who hasn't displayed yet. I'm pretty surprised they showed so quickly under 24 hour light.

I'm stoked about it. I'll be running the six ladies this round (my limit).

This evening I plan to top all the females (begin mainlining), finish up with light sealing the cab, and drop them down to 18/6 lighting.