Spida's Micro Grow


Well-Known Member
I wish he'd go get a cool tube and a 400HPS....

BTW is that what you have in your tent?

Nice Grow... best of luck...

HTG fuct up my order, but I am waiting on the cooltube and a 600...

:) I wish he'd just understand that cfl's suck...... he'd rather pay 400 dollars and get loads of weed, dude i paid 500 dollars for my setup... yeah a 400w with cooltube & a growtent with the exhaust fan..... ;)

And i have harvested over 400 gramms of weed now..... ;) In just 6 months..... Wich isn't allot but its a 400% investment i just made.


I am now using my 400w setup for veg'n & getting 1200W Setup ....... 240x120x200cm.... growbox ;)

yeah its gona rock my world ! And there i will harvest atleast 2.4kg per 30 plants.. thats a 2400% investment ... lol


Well-Known Member
WTF HOW THE FUK DID HE DO THAT SHOTGLASS THING did he have drainage holes or wat and god damn 8 grams shit lol


Well-Known Member
DWR - Read my light fixture post all the way through please. those ARE regular halogen lightbulbs. That's why I said, "Putting some halogens I had laying around next to me in for a TEST run. I will be getting more higher watt CFL's. And I don't have the kind of money or space for an HPS. If I have a 2.5 foot high box, I'd only be able to grow plants to like 3" without burning them. Haha. Please understand this is a micro grow. Its the way it is for a reason, and I do not have tons of room everywhere around my house like you guys, but I wish I did.

N00b - Ya, I don't know how he did it. I'll find the post in a bit and post it on here. It was pretty neat, if I get my plants up and get some clones, I'll try one out in a shotglass or chew can or something. That'd be so neat to set-up a tiny hydro in one of those like tall but skinny glasses. Hehe.


Well-Known Member
hahaha yea imma top my misty and make a clone outta her and than put her in a 16 oz pop bottle like that one guy did with his clones and still almost got an ounce out of every single one


Well-Known Member
hahaha yea imma top my misty and make a clone outta her and than put her in a 16 oz pop bottle like that one guy did with his clones and still almost got an ounce out of every single one

rofl, he didnt... bet he got like 3 gramms of one plant.... :)

O saw that thread aswell..... believe me..... i had an ams way bigger than the shot glass and i got 8 gramms of her !


ey spida..... get yourself a higher wattage cfl...... u will be happy


Well-Known Member
Dwr, what n00b is talking about is a different post that was on ICmag.. Not the shot glass one, but a 16oz like waterbottle and this guy dr.budgreengenes yields about 25 grams per bottle in those. He's a crazy grower. I have links to him somewhere in this post. And I will get a higher wattage jeez. I'd just like to see them sprout first. I only have so much money too. For everyone else reading this, this is a CFL Stealth Micro grow. There is no way your changing my mind. This is up to document and keep together what I'm doing, while getting advice, not to get people telling me to get an hps. That was not directed to anyone, and don't take it personally or anything, I'm just saying for my first grow, id just be happy when I see them break soil.


Well-Known Member
Dwr, what n00b is talking about is a different post that was on ICmag.. Not the shot glass one, but a 16oz like waterbottle and this guy dr.budgreengenes yields about 25 grams per bottle in those. He's a crazy grower. I have links to him somewhere in this post. And I will get a higher wattage jeez. I'd just like to see them sprout first. I only have so much money too. For everyone else reading this, this is a CFL Stealth Micro grow. There is no way your changing my mind. This is up to document and keep together what I'm doing, while getting advice, not to get people telling me to get an hps. That was not directed to anyone, and don't take it personally or anything, I'm just saying for my first grow, id just be happy when I see them break soil.

:) Ahh yeah i saw them tooooo :weed:

;) Well have fun with it man, u made a bet that u would get more than me...... so pls.... :) I am just giving u tipps how to beat me :)

anyway gl man, i'll b watching you


Well-Known Member
Haha thanks anyway underphire. I'm starting to get worried guys. I haven't seen one hit surface yet, and I think its like day 4 or 5. :(


Well-Known Member
Ganja, read first post.

Everyone - I'm so fucking high off those cali purple buds. bongsmilie Happy smokin' people. It is now 11:20. gotta be 4:20 somewhere ;) :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Hey Spida...

sorry about your beans man... are they warm enough??

yeah and sorry about the hps thing... I can respect your wishes...

As for the buds you guys smoke...

I have been smoking the same strain for a long time now... don't know what it is.... just something the old hippies in AK have kept going for a long time...

I've never smoked "pedigree" herb... well, I take that back... I probably just wasn't aware of the strain, 'cause I've had some pretty good dank in my travels....

You guys are lucky... hehehe...

Best of luck Spida...

See you guys later....



Well-Known Member
Gypsy, no disrespect was intended to you on that Hps comment. I was just saying. And ya this is just some great purple man. Had my friend come over to finish the box, so I have updates. We decided to let the silicone dry, and monday will be the official finish day for sure. I have updates that I will post later. By the way, do NOT try and smoke and work with saws. We ended up cutting the box door down hella fuckin crooked, and we just made hella dumb mistakes. Smoking this shit and tryna do something smart just doesn't work together. So we decided to say fuck it, came inside and then played some call of duty 4 online. ;) Shout out to all my nerds. Will have updates. I also have a pic of my purple nuggy sitting in my bubbler in the box. woohoo. Not clear pics though, cus its from my phone. :(