Spider farmer SF-4000 appears to be a fire hazard.


Well-Known Member
About 1 year ago I got into LED lighting. I bought 2 boards. 1 SF-4000 branded as a Spider Farmer light ordered from amazon for $628 and change with sales tax. I also ordered a 660w qb from alibaba. The alibaba board arrived 4 days before the amazon board even with prime shipping. Which board do you think I'm having problems with only 1 year later? Today I inspected my 2 new 660w boards I recently ordered from alibaba. 4th light purchase from the same vendor. I verified the mean well drivers were authentic by running the serial numbers. As I was comparing the drivers and construction between the 660w alibaba boards and the 450w spider farmer branded SF-4000. I took the photos I wanted to take, and I was in the process of hanging the board. Then I discovered this on my UL listed SF-4000 bought in the good 'ol USA:


The fucking board is literally burning up. I will never again recommend spider farmer. This thing is a fucking fire hazard. I've ran 1000w HID's and 600w HID's for years without a single problem. I use a spider farmer board for under 1 year and the mother fucker is literally burning up at the PCB. Wanna see something else I discovered?

I noticed the heat sink was visibly much larger on my 660w alibaba board than the spider farmer sf-4000. I busted out my micrometer to check the thickness. Here are the results:

Alibaba 660w qb:

Spider farmer sf-4000:

The alibaba 660w qb is equipped with a heat sink that is nearly twice the thickness of the spider farmer branded sf-4000. I'm so fucking infuriated right now I can't even see straight. Let this be a lesson to anyone who is operating under the false idea that buying on amazon or from a US vendor is safer or than purchasing on alibaba. Just seriously what in the flying fuck man? Fuck spider farmer in their spider fucking asshole. Diodes going out? I can deal with that. A PCB literally burning up is un-mother-fucking acceptable. Sorry for my tirade. Avoid spider farmer at all costs.
About 1 year ago I got into LED lighting. I bought 2 boards. 1 SF-4000 branded as a Spider Farmer light ordered from amazon for $628 and change with sales tax. I also ordered a 660w qb from alibaba. The alibaba board arrived 4 days before the amazon board even with prime shipping. Which board do you think I'm having problems with only 1 year later? Today I inspected my 2 new 660w boards I recently ordered from alibaba. 4th light purchase from the same vendor. I verified the mean well drivers were authentic by running the serial numbers. As I was comparing the drivers and construction between the 660w alibaba boards and the 450w spider farmer branded SF-4000. I took the photos I wanted to take, and I was in the process of hanging the board. Then I discovered this on my UL listed SF-4000 bought in the good 'ol USA:

View attachment 4913974
View attachment 4913975

The fucking board is literally burning up. I will never again recommend spider farmer. This thing is a fucking fire hazard. I've ran 1000w HID's and 600w HID's for years without a single problem. I use a spider farmer board for under 1 year and the mother fucker is literally burning up at the PCB. Wanna see something else I discovered?

I noticed the heat sink was visibly much larger on my 660w alibaba board than the spider farmer sf-4000. I busted out my micrometer to check the thickness. Here are the results:

Alibaba 660w qb:
View attachment 4913983

Spider farmer sf-4000:
View attachment 4913984

The alibaba 660w qb is equipped with a heat sink that is nearly twice the thickness of the spider farmer branded sf-4000. I'm so fucking infuriated right now I can't even see straight. Let this be a lesson to anyone who is operating under the false idea that buying on amazon or from a US vendor is safer or than purchasing on alibaba. Just seriously what the fuck man. Fuck spider farmer in their spider fucking asshole. Diodes going out? I can deal with that. A PCB literally burning up is un-mother-fucking acceptable. Sorry for my tirade. Avoid spider farmer at all costs.
So based on recalls and such
You no longer purchase vehicles made by Ford , Chrysler, Chevrolet, Datsun , Toyota ...?

One instance and because it happened to you we should all avoid a website sponsor

Put em on blast you child
I have no beef with complaining but once again
So based on recalls and such
You no longer purchase vehicles made by Ford , Chrysler, Chevrolet, Datsun , Toyota ...?

One instance and because it happened to you we should all avoid a website sponsor

Put em on blast you child
I have no beef with complaining but once again
I can deal with a failed driver. I can deal with failed diodes. A fire hazard? Eat my asshole with a spoon. Fuck spider farmer.
Agree that doesnt look safe, love the heat colouring. Maybe they will get thicker heatsinks but l doubt it, like the spider type lights over boards but never tried board above 150w yet so my 2 cents counts for jack shit. But am loyal to company who built my light as 0 problems yet! Not worried about a fire now either. I thought all leds were good not great but good. Now lll rethink that one. Ty for your post! Informative, a little rant but if l spent what you did ld rant harder than you did.
This is a perfect situation to use the Ford Pinto as an analogy. 500 people were burned alive due to a poor design that placed the fuel tank 9 inches away from the rear axle resulting in horrific fiery deaths to do simple rear end collisions. Would you drive another Ford after that incident? I sure the fuck wouldn't and still won't to this day. I now feel the same way about spider farmer equipment.

There are 2 Fords on that list of "the worlds most famous explosive cars." That's real confidence inspiring, right? Maybe spider farmer boards are made in the same factory as Ford electronics? :)
This is a perfect situation to use the Ford Pinto as an analogy. 500 people were burned alive due to a poor design that placed the fuel tank 9 inches away from the rear axle resulting in horrific fiery deaths to do simple rear end collisions. Would you drive another Ford after that incident? I sure the fuck wouldn't and still won't to this day. I now feel the same way about spider farmer equipment.

There are 2 Fords on that list of "the worlds most famous explosive cars." That's real confidence inspiring, right? Maybe spider farmer boards are made in the same factory as Ford electronics? :)
Thanks spider farmer just moved down list to hang with Fix or repair daily category. Ford! From old recycled dodges!
Then I discovered this on my UL listed SF-4000 bought in the good 'ol USA:

Let this be a lesson to anyone who is operating under the false idea that buying on amazon or from a US vendor is safer or than purchasing on alibaba.
Amazon is not the good ol USA, it's online, with many vendors either drop shipping directly from china, or just reselling goods bought on Alibaba or similar.

Why would anyone think that amazon would do good led growlights? They've literally been the number 1 place to get crappy lights for the last 15 years or so.

Spider farmer looked fishy to me from the start, they quoted impossible efficiency numbers from the get go.

Sorry about your pain, you could try a fan on top of the sink to get the heat down. Or running the light a bit softer or even mounting the driver remote. If the driver is on top of the sink and you can't remote it at least make sure there is minimal contact, don't let it sit flush on the sink, it needs a gap
This is a perfect situation to use the Ford Pinto as an analogy. 500 people were burned alive due to a poor design that placed the fuel tank 9 inches away from the rear axle resulting in horrific fiery deaths to do simple rear end collisions. Would you drive another Ford after that incident? I sure the fuck wouldn't and still won't to this day. I now feel the same way about spider farmer equipment.

There are 2 Fords on that list of "the worlds most famous explosive cars." That's real confidence inspiring, right? Maybe spider farmer boards are made in the same factory as Ford electronics? :)
Yup couple burn't diodes is just like 500 people burned to death
EXACTLY :wall:
Yup couple burn't diodes is just like 500 people burned to death
EXACTLY :wall:
I'm fairly certain you're missing a fucking chromosome or something because you clearly have serious reading comprehension problems. I don't fucking have failed diodes. I don't fucking have a failed driver. I have a PCB burning up that has the potential to set my home on fire. You don't have a driver's license do you? It would terrify me to think someone as ignorant as you is actually sharing the road with other human beings.
I'm fairly certain you're missing a fucking chromosome or something because you clearly have serious reading comprehension problems. I don't fucking have failed diodes. I don't fucking have a failed driver. I have a PCB burning up that has the potential to set my home on fire. You don't have a driver's license do you? It would terrify me to think someone as ignorant as you is actually sharing the road with other human beings.
Psst guess what ?
You have a ton more in that transformer on the utility pole in your yard

I'm too stoopid to understand your ranting
So I all accept you will never use that brand again
Feel free to question my intellect anytime you need a boost
Just emailed spider farmer all the pictures along with some questions.

How often does this type of problem occur with your boards?
Would a replacement board be subject to the same failure?
What is the company doing to remedy this issue?

We'll see what they say, but even with a replacement board I would have serious reservations about installing another one of their units in my garden. I can't remember the last time I was this pissed off. I just bought 2 660w alibaba boards for $650. $25 more than I paid for one defective shoddily built 450w spider farmer light. What a deal, right?
Just emailed spider farmer all the pictures along with some questions.

How often does this type of problem occur with your boards?
Would a replacement board be subject to the same failure?
What is the company doing to remedy this issue?

We'll see what they say, but even with a replacement board I would have serious reservations about installing another one of their units in my garden. I can't remember the last time I was this pissed off. I just bought 2 660w alibaba boards for $650. $25 more than I paid for one defective shoddily built 450w spider farmer light. What a deal, right?
that is something I would have done pre-rant
But I do things a bit differently
Hope they will offer an adequate response
