My micrometer is a digital Napa supplied cheapie for measuring rotors and such. By no means is this thing a scientific instrument. You have a much more precise instrument. I'm sure your measurement is correct. It really bends me sideways that this issue is occurring because I've recommended spider farmer since I got this thing. While I find a better value on alibaba these days I always told people who prefer to order state side that they're the best value unit out there. I just feel a little fleeced I suppose. Not to mention a little concerned that I jeopardized my family's safety with a potential fire in my flower room. Temperatures are a stable 78-82 continuously in my flower room, so environmental heat is not a likely cause. I think you're sniffer is on the right track there. A bad solder joint in which electric meets significant resistance to pass through would generate an excessive amount of heat, right? You know what this feels like to me? It's like meeting a nice girl. She seems sweet. Says all the right things. You take her home and slap those titties around a bit. Introduce her to your friends the next weekend to show off your new piece. Then you find out every one of them fucked her, and you've got chlamydia. Sir, I feel like spider farmer was a nice sweet girl. She took my trust. She took my money. She took my time. And now I have fucking chlamydia and I'm horribly embarrassed for my decision making and misplaced trust. What can I say? I'm an emotional fucking person
Anybody got some penicillin? Maybe spider farmer can next day ship me some, but I'd worry the fucking bottle would catch fire.