Spider farms sf1000 (unboxing)[email protected]


Well-Known Member
Was the female nice
It was OK.
The others i finished outside, but one seemed better at the end.
I got 5 females out of 12 seeds. The first 6 were male. I grew one out and saved the pollen.
Out of the last 6 beans, i got a lone male. Killed it and reversed one girl. Got lucky and it was a fast flowering, frosty, dense girl.
Cant wait to grow them out


Well-Known Member
Disco biscuit
Super lemon haze
Gorilla zstittlez
Sugar factory
Lemon kush

Next set gorilla zstittlez will be going in the tent the minute the cheese cake is finishe.i would say there's around 4 week left.

Mothers for future
Disco biscuit
Lemon kush
Sugar factory

Next set
2 disco biscuit
super lemon haze 20201016_182756.jpg
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Well-Known Member
20201016_193955-01.jpegBakery seeds,well worth checking this one out and there creme brulee 20201016_193932-01.jpeg20201016_193929-01.jpegAll most going a flouro pink in places now this one,loving that getting color into plants is pretty easy with the use of leds and this cob.Its starting at the stem and working its way out on the leaf stems ,also some of dem pistols are also a lovely color.
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Well-Known Member
Took some more leafs off ,this is about the 3rd ttim.But will definitely be the last time i touch this plant .I will be honest i didn't really like touching it thisfar into flower ,but vrrh little air circulation with in plant.Plus not much light getting into those colas.Its about 4 week into flower now maybe 5.It vegged for around 4/5 week that been the normal with this strain.Its stunning this one from bakery and there creme brulee,the smell from cheese cake is one of the nicest snelling strains I have grown.Its a very nice size,hoping that those colas get fatter soon.The colas have been stripped right to the very tips,just leaving the very ends on that have nicely stacked nodes.This plant had a combo of the kushman technique and somas way of training.Will definitely be doing it again,it worked out great.The plant did not suffer any stress at all,by using this wire or pipe cleaners ive been able to pull branches over a little at a time.Plants on 1.4 ec starts pk 13/14 next week week 20201018_154955-01.jpeg20201018_155012.jpg20201018_154955.jpg5 for a week.Drinking a ltr a day,starting to get real nice covering of resin.


Well-Known Member
The first time I have been confident that the bud im growing is going to have some color to its,the leafs are just starting to get that pinkish color that turns to a deep purple later. Some of the pistols are also starting to gdy that purple color.I have the packaging on the way for those bits i will be moving on.Few pictures of the last batch of this 20200509_165822-01.jpeg20200513_132352-01.jpeg
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Well-Known Member
Looking lush ,nice color to all these.The new clones are coming along just perfect,have two spare.The two sugar factory that I have,im gonna let a friend take em and run first set.Other than that it would be a while before I could run them Got dipicate to the girls in flower next then the jaffa and lemon kush then perhaps get a sugar factory in then.Lights really high for the clones and auto ,but not much I can do for time been.Its only really that auto im worried about.The clones has long has they keep healthy i can take fresh cuts.I do need to clone them all at some point ,get them at the same height. 20201018_202711.jpgOnly 20201018_202655.jpg20201018_202638.jpg20201018_202624.jpg
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Well-Known Member
Light is coming on really nice now ,the main cola is still becoming the main top .Even though its bent all over place.1.4 ec just finished finished pk 13/14 .20201020_154729_resized.jpg20201020_154729.jpg20201020_154657.jpg20201020_154632.jpg20201020_154615.jpg20201020_154644.jpg


Well-Known Member
The plant on the left is the disco ,one on right is the sl haze .Both are looking stunning,the resin on them already is pretty good.Really looking forward to this one,every strain im running I have seen the bud done 2 of the 3 a few times and bought in a few oz of the pheno of the disco i have really nice smoke.So at least i know im set for Christmas. With the cheese cake that I am doing I should be ok for festive season.By looks of it we will be in lovkdown through Christmas,we just been told we are in lovkdown again from weekend.


Well-Known Member
Think this is about 5 week into flower ,just finished big bud .Start pk 13/14 next week.Buds on it are pretty good ,the amount of growth I have took of this during veg is unbelievable,and early flower 20201023_163712.jpg20201023_163703.jpg20201023_163654.jpg20201023_163645.jpg.Looking at it now you would not think so but there is only the decent bud sites left on,took all the internal stuff out and any bud sites that looked like they was not going to produce anything.Smell is lovely sweet wedding cake more than exodus cheese.Had to add a second light today just to keep the clones happy.Really want them to come along nice ,im really hoping that with right amount of light combo of the cob and t5 that they may make the flower room next set .Doing away with the cob next one and thinking of getting a sf2000 for this tent.Would be interesting to see what would happen weight wise over the 300 watt cob .
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