Spider Mite advice


Hi there, i am 4th week into flowering phase. Ive sprayed spider mite solution twice over plant an it did control it to a point. Five days later an im finding 6 or so a day. Is this Bad to find that may. I will cotinue to spray.
you can buy little packs of spider mite eating bugs,
Cinnamite: This pesticide is derived from cinnamon oil and is non-hazardous. It won't kill eggs, but it is effective for killing adult spider mites. Spray this one on your plant every 3 days over a couple of weeks to make sure you get all of them! Neem oil: Neem oil is an effective treatment for all kinds of pests.
Rubbing alcohol: The rubbing alcohol you have around the house also can kill spider mites. Soak cotton balls in rubbing alcohol and wipe across the foliage of infested houseplants. Let either the dish soap or rubbing alcohol sit on the plants a few hours, and then rinse the leaves thoroughly with water.
Don't wait for spider mites to ravage your plants! Prevent infestations with these 100% natural predator sachets. They don't cost much but virtually eliminate the chance of an outbreak. They slowly release spider mite predators (neoseiulus californicus) over 2 weeks to thwart any oncoming attacks
You're past the point of spraying any oil based product on your plants so don't use neem.

What are you spraying on them now?
I'd go for an expensive order of predator mites, but if your temps are up, be wise on choice, they are pricey but worth it.

or one last Hail Mary with Jack's and nothing more till Harv, Mites the best, but don't miser on the order the ones I call long pipes work well if temps are in the range for their survival.

hope it works out, we've all been there.
Not sure on the Solution, i purchased it from my local grow lite store. It did work for first few days. Ive been watching over it an most seem to be coming from out the soil an none under any of the leafs
Not sure on the Solution, i purchased it from my local grow lite store. It did work for first few days. Ive been watching over it an most seem to be coming from out the soil an none under any of the leafs

Spider mites coming out of the soil and not on the leaves?
Are you sure they are spider mites? I've never had, or heard of spider mites coming out of the soil.

I would suggest predatory bugs over solutions. It's natural, safe, and works better in my experience.

I've never been able to completely rid a plant of spider mites with any product from the grow store that claims to kill them. As you said, they just come back a few days later. Even with multiple sprays, they always seem to come back.
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Just get some citric acid, mix a couple teaspoons with a liter of water and spray the plants without the lights on. Do that every 3 days 3 times total. And always do a test spray and wait to see if there is any negative effect before spraying the entire plant.

I wouldn't bother with predatory mites or ladybugs. You can find citric acid in the canning section or bulk section of many stores.

Good luck
l promote ladybugs but butterflys, you better flys. Specially white ones. I snap on them, like a madman, l see one on camera and run out to thwart. There eggs are deadly. After hatch.
Hi there, i am 4th week into flowering phase. Ive sprayed spider mite solution twice over plant an it did control it to a point. Five days later an im finding 6 or so a day. Is this Bad to find that may. I will cotinue to spray.
I wouldn't be spraying anything besides soapy water during flower, i hope that's what you mean by spidermite solution.
l promote ladybugs but butterflys, you better flys. Specially white ones. I snap on them, like a madman, l see one on camera and run out to thwart. There eggs are deadly. After hatch.
Ladybugs are awesome for pests! I don't know if they would work fast enough if he's already in week 4 though. I used them to transition my plants from outside and they worked great! I also kept adding more in addition to the ones i bought from my front lawn lol. There were so many on the grass last summer.20200909_131504.jpg